Chapter 8

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Honey walked towards the table and motioned Tyler Mackenzie to sit down.

"Before I tell you all of this, you must be sworn to secrecy and make a blood pact, because if I hear that you have told anyone, you will suffer the consequences and to make sure you tell no one, I'll have to keep you under heavy surveillance so you'll have to live here from now on so I can gain your trust."

Tyler Mackenzie heard what she said and without hesitation she nodded her head. Honey grabbed her hand, pulled out a blade and sliced a line on the palm of her hand. Honey then held her hand over the smart table and squeezed her hand, so more blood would drip down on to the surface for the table. Then, as if by magic, the table sucked all of the blood and a notification appeared in the screen saying 'blood pact complete.'

Lion was totally freaked by this and questioned what she had just agreed to.

"I am going to start from the beginning, so I suggest you get comfortable." Honey said, with no emotion. Lion adjusts to show signs of getting comfortable

"As you know you call me by the name Honey Bea, but that is not my real name because if anybody finds out my real name, then they could be in serious danger, but since you made a blood pact you may find out my real name and it is Kiiara Whale. My father is also known to be the most ruthless and merciless man who has ever existed. He's so ruthless that he sent his own daughter away for 10 years to go train at a government facility and be tested on, so that she would become an even more ruthless leader than he, but that is a story I'll have to tell you another day. If you're wondering, I have no mother due to my fathers cold, broken heart. He killed her, but I don't care because of what she did to betray our family. Well that's my childhood, but I didn't spend it like normal children because I was constantly training to become the next leader of the 100. Then it comes to the reason why I came here...I came here because of what happened recently where I lived. The previous school I went to, was pretty shit. It was awful! I would get into fights every day, but there was one time where I almost killed someone out of pure rage and if your wondering, that person is still in the hospital. Because of this, I am no longer allowed to step foot in that state again. The reason why you all don't know about it is because my father has friends high places that lessened my punishment. This leads me to now I am here permanently to get my fathers money back and to control the gangs that think they can screw my family over." Honey said all of this in great detail. Lion was gobsmacked when she heard about Honey's past and what's up with her family.

"Honey can I ask you a question?" Lion said with glossy eyes. Honey have a nod

"Um Honey...Who is your Father?"
Who do you think Honey's farther is and is Lion the only person that is going to know about Honey's past.


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