Chapter 4

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Esther's POV

We're going to get Avi's meds today. He isn't too thrilled about it but he has to calm his anxiety attacks and keep himself at bay before he goes insane with anxiety and panic attacks. We had to get up at 11:00 am but hey. We need to get this done to keep him sane and his doctor has suggested for him to do since he is absolutely sure that Avi's relapse will lead to a permanent condition which is way worse than what it was back in high school. 

We were on our way to the doctors in my car since Avi didn't want to drive because he was absolutely devastated about his current state of mind and he was quite upset about his mental health situation. We pulled up outside the doctors and I parked the car and turned the ignition off. I looked to him and he was just gazing out the window.

"Avi, you ready?"

He just nodded, I don't really think he was listening to me. We just left the car and walked inside. The lady in the front desk looked up at us and smiled.

"Hi, do you want to book an appointment? Or are you here for a scheduled appointment?"

"Scheduled, pleased. Avi Kaplan?"

She was typing on her computer for a while, checking files and bookings for Avi's name.

"Oh, here it is. Yes if you could wait in the waiting area. Your doctor will see you shortly."

"Thank you."

We walked over to the waiting area and we had been waiting for a few hours when a nurse called us to get his prescriptions. She was a nice lady. Dr. Kady is what she went by and led us into her office. There was a small desk in the corner and a hospital bed next to it. Avi sat on the bed and I was in the seat, she closed her door and sat by her desk.

"Hello, Avi, Esther."



Avi's response was quiet and empty. He seemed depressed and was hugging his knees close to his chest.

"I'll cut right to the point. You've been having really bad panic attacks lately and these sometimes result in anxiety attacks and flashbacks, correct?"

Avi nodded. He told me about the flashbacks a few weeks ago and how bad they really get and I thought I should be in contact with his doctor and she ended up prescribing medication to him.

"Well with the current path you're taking, I have decided to prescribe you some anxiety medication just to make sure it doesn't get out of hand and you can keep them under control."

She handed him the small, orange pill bottle and he examined it quickly, so did I.

"They are in fact a higher dosage of what you would've normally had when you were younger but since you're older and the attacks have gotten worse and you're having flashbacks. It was mandatory to raise the dosage. They are stronger as well and side effects aren't that extreme: Mild nausea you shouldn't throw up though, headaches, dizziness, amnesia but only for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour. The last two are highly rare though. You should take two every morning after your first meal and two before lunch and two before you go to bed. Six in total every day. There are no specific timings as to when they should be taken but you should keep in mind when you do take them. Any questions?"

"how long do i have to be on these?"

The doctor let out a sigh.

"I am afraid I can't answer that, dear. Until your attacks get better and the flashbacks stop. We'll just have to wait. Any others?"

Silence. She stood from her chair and Avi and I walked out the room and back to the car. It was a silent drive back to the bus and I for one didn't want to disturb the silence. We were both content in it and it wasn't awkward either. We got back to the bus and Avi went straight back to his bunk with his pills.

Kevin's POV

Esther and Avi had come back and Avi went straight to his bunk. I turned to Esther and she was just looking at me.

"He have his pills?"

"Yup. Six a day. They're of higher dosage too. Poor guy."

"My poor baby."

We all went on with the rest of the day. Avi staying in his bun of course. He's been avoiding all of us recently and won't tell us what's wrong with him. Everyone has asked him and all he does is turn down the question, change the subject or ignore us completely and walks away! It's like a topic he can't discuss without something going horribly wrong. He can talk to any of us at any time he needs us. He knows we'll all love and support him no matter what happens to him and what he tells us. He can trust us. He knows he can. I know he can.

"Hey, Kev? Come out here, we're planning something! I don't think Avi would want to leave his bunk so we're asking you! Please?"

I don't know why he can't say.

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