the egg (rewritten)

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POV the courier
the night was quickly approaching, I had to find Callum and Ezra and get them out like I promised the king, I loaded my revolver, made sure it was ready and cleaned my rifle and armour. 

once I was ready I left the room and searched for the princesses, the size of the castle made it hard to look for people, makes it harder when they both were not in their rooms, so when I rounded the corner Callum ran into me knocking me down.

"Hey watch it, kid," I said rubbing my head. 

"No time, Elf!" Callum said getting to his feet and running.

I blinked. "What?" then I saw her, a moon shadow elf, about Callum's age, with white hair, and Lyilac-coloured eyes, she was wearing some green one-peace outfit, and she was held two blades, I jumped to my feet and kicked at her, she easily dodged me. 

I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the wall, she jumped off the wall landing behind me. "Look I don't want to hurt you, you're not my target," She said, her Scottish accent taking me bad to youth.

"well if you're trying to hurt him, you're trying to hurt me," I said. 

The elf rolled her eyes. "Well don't blame me for this next part," she charged me and at the last moment slid and swiped my legs, I went down with a crash.

"SIX!" Callum yelled standing at the end of the hallway. 

"Wait?" The young elf said. "Six? as in the one..." I grabbed her leg and pulled her down. 

"KID GET OUT OF HERE!" I yelled. 

The elf kicked at my hand. "Let go of me," she said. I jumped to my feet and reached for my revolver but the elf was quicker than me and knocked my hand away. 

"Fine," I said. "Catch!" I yelled throwing her off momentarily and following Callum down the hallway.

 We ran Callum leading the way. "Viren's tower?" I asked. Callum nodded as went, Callum burst through the door, calling for Viren, but I fell into him and we both fell to the floor, my revolver coming to lose from the holster.

The elf chasing us, topped in the room, both blades pointed at us. "you two Don't Have To Die there are only two targets tonight" 

I looked at Callum and how his face dropped at the words 'two targets' 

"two? What do you mean two?" Callum asked, concern on his face. my revolver was sitting next to a white scroll under a table, I reached for it while she talked.

"My targets are the evil king and the prince, blood for blood," she said as I reached it. 

my hand gripped the revolver. "an eye for an eye," I said.

"Yes..." She started.

"Makes the world go blind," I rolled and brought my revolver to aim, pulled back the hammer and...


the gun was jammed, something preventing it from firing, both of them looked at me and the elf kicked the weapon from my hand and pushed a boot down hard hurting me.

"Well, you found me I'm Princess Ezran," Callum declared. My head turned to him, I know he was lying, to save his brother, but...I didn't want to lose him.

"I'm sorry I have to do this," She pushed her foot down on my chest temporarily winding me. then started towards Callum.

then the painting started to talk, I was too far away to hear, but Callum clearly could, he was talking back, hoping the elf wouldn't notice. The elf, keeping one blade pointed at Callum, put a hand on the painting and pulled it open. 

Ezran was standing there, under his arm was Bait, the loyal glow toad, and a jelly baby, and like that the plan was gone. "Callum, who's your new friend?" Ezran asked. 

"Callum? I thought you were Princess Ezran," The assassin said. 

"Go get out of here," Callum said to his younger brother, but it didn't work, Ezran seemed to notice something was wrong.

Ezran held up Bait. "have you met Bait?" Ezran asked. "say hello to my little friend" Bait lit up like an explosion blinding, the elf being closest had it worst, and I managed to cover my eyes. "Callum follow me, I have to show you something, you can come as well courier," 

I got to my feet and grabbed my revolver from the floor. "Kid you are a lifesaver," I said patting him on the back.

'please don't be a dead end, please don't be a dead end,' I kept saying over in my head. I had my revolver in hand trying to figure out how it was still jammed. oh yeah, we still had the assassin chasing us. It's just going to be one of those weeks, isn't it? 

Surprise surprise we went headfirst into a dead end. "were trapped what do we do now" Callum said distress filling his voice. 

"Time for a puzzle," Ezran said cheerily. 

I holstered my revolver and pulled out my hunting rifle off my back. "I got your back kid," I said. I was hell-bent ready to shoot the moment I saw white hair, did I want to shoot her? no, did I have a choice? no. 

 one more click and the tunnel under us opened. "Move!" I yelled waiting for the other two to go down first. I decided to forgo the steps and jumped down.

Ezran pulled the lever as the staircase went back up. "Sure she won't be able to follow us?" Callum said calmly. 

I just kept looking at the staircase. the room I found myself in was not, parts of an animal lay around, some in jars and others mummified, it was horrible, it almost made me sick to see, and I knew what it was for, Dark Magic.

Ezran started. "no way," he said shaking his head. "It took me over a month to figure out that combination" Then a loud click and the stairs moved down again. 

"spoke too soon, stay behind me I'll deal with this," I said, readying my revolver. 

The elf was standing there with a smug look on her face. "how did you?" Ezran asked. 

"I just pressed all the Stones with the jelly handprints," said the assassin.

"don't move!" I ordered pointing my gun at her. She ignored me she walked in looking around the room. 

"You humans, you make me sick," she said, facing back to me. "times up"

We both stared for a long moment. "Wait, there's something you need to see," Ezran said.

"Nothing you do can...." she stopped as Ezran pulled a sheet off of something. an egg, large and with what looks like patterns of light, a beautiful egg. 

"The egg...of the dragon prince!" the assassin said in shock.

" the egg, it wasn't destroyed!" Callum Declared.

(being rewritten) A new land (fallout and the Dragon princes Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now