( rewritten) Goodbye katolis

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POV the courier 

Rayla and Runaan fought, clearly trained together before, but this was different, for both of them, maybe I should have stayed, and helped her but should I put my life on the line for this girl I bearly knew? 

I noticed Callum going into the tower which led to the king's room, and with a sigh he followed after me, the young artist was quicker than me, beating me up to the top by a minute, I heard his voice, talking to Viren until suddenly he stopped.

my fear overtook me that the dark mage had done something to him, I slowly unholstered my revolver, crept up, and turned the corner, two guards were holding Callum as he tried to speak, the horror on his face the words wouldn't form.

I clicked the hammer on my revolver back, pointing it at Soran who I had a better shoot at than Viren. "Okay Viren, undo whatever the hell you've done to the kid, and you may just walk away from this alive," 

Viren stared at me. "I should have known, you're on the elves' side," he straightened out. "Guards seize him!" he ordered. to of the armoured knights approached me, so I swung my revolver up and fired. 

the two guards moved off, and my revolver returned to Viren, but it all happened too fast the lights went out, an arrow hit my shoulder armour and I fired on instinct. the bullet flew through the air and smacked into Viren's shoulder causing him to stagger back and unclench his fist, and the voice went back to Callum. 

the guards dropped Callum, and all of us turned to the door. I jumped out of the way as the first elf ran into the room, I couldn't get a shot off, too fast for me, then one of them came for me, the same one that battled Rayla. 

at first, his swords were in their bow configuration, as another arrow fired at me, hitting the upper part of my chest armour. I holstered my gun and pulled out my knife. blocking the first sword attack. he kicked me in the chest, I smashed into the wall and shook my head as the next blow came. 

my ranger helmet was hit I could barely avoid it not to kill me but half my helmet and a new deep cut going just above one eye. "WATCH IT!" I yelled throwing a punch, and he easily dodged. 

"you have no disciple," he said, slicing at me again. 

"Yeah, but I am smart, for example," I threw my knife, and Runaan dodged it, as glass smashed. 

"was that your best try?" he asked.

"No, I wasn't aiming for you," I said darting to the window and jumping out. 

the airbrushed past me and squeezed my eyes closed and made sure to grab a stempack, then smack, every single muscle hurt, a firey pain all across my body, I tried to move my rm but it refused to move, maybe I was dead, maybe these where the dying thoughts of my mind.

"6, get up, please," I could feel someone moving me, pushing at my left side. "6?" I know that voice, I know it wasn't but I imagine Lucy standing there, trying to help me, but it wasn't, it was Ezran.

"Come on Ez," a second voice said. "We need to leave," 

I managed to sit up and inject the stempack. "not without me kid," I said.

"Are you alright?" Callum asked, in disbelief I survived. 

I nodded. "come on," running my hand over the cut on my eye. 

"Callum?" Ezran asked looking up at his older brother. "Did you talk to dad?" 

I know the answer, I knew what was going on up in that tower. that's when the elf rejoined us.  "Say the word and I will go back into that tower with you," rayla said gripping her sword. 

"you can count me in," I said, putting my hand over my holster.

"no!" Callum started. "It's up to us now." his voice was determined but also sad like he knew something. "We have to return this egg, we have to keep it safe and carry it to Xadia," 

 "And find its mother!" Ezran added empheasticly 

 "We can change things we could make a difference!" Rayla joined.

"To help all of us to let the past go, and look to a better world," I remarked. 

"Just the four of us," Callum said sounding better already. then Bait starts to glow red and blue.  "uh five of us" Callum corrected. 

we started off, being careful to avoid the guards but soon enough it was clear where they were. Rayla leads us out, being the most stealthy of us. "Callum?" Ezran asked. "do you think dad will be okay?" that was the second time today he reminded me of Lucy. 

"He has the finest guards in the Kingdom defending him," Callum said, his voice wavered, he didn't believe himself. 

"Yeah...yeah of course," Ezran said cheering up. 

"Well, let's start shall we? off to lands new and old," I said as we went over the bridge leaving the kingdom of Ktolis behind us. 

we were a little way out of the kingdom when I felt another ping of pain on my face. "Rayla," I began. "We need to stop, not sure what it's like for you and yours, but Callum and Ezran are exhausted, and I need to treat my wound," I pointed to the two young companies, Callum practically sleepwalking, and Ezran dragging so far behind that he made a Robo-brain fast.

Ralya looked back at them and sighed. "Fine," she said. "but we need to get up early, we have a lot of ground to cover," she said. 

Callum practically groaned before just dropping to the floor asleep, and Ezran leaned next to a tree and slept with Bait on his lap. 

Rayla looked up and so did I, a red bird of some kind flew over and Rayla looked up in fear as something fell off her wrist, I didn't see what. "You okay?" I asked. 

"That's none of your business!" she snapped at me. I shrugged and set up next to a tree to deal with cuts on my eyes.

(being rewritten) A new land (fallout and the Dragon princes Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now