Votage of the Ruthless

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POV Courier six

We're still on the back of phoe phoe flying few the sky. Rayla and Callum are talking, Ezran, zym
and bait are all together. ED-E was floating behind me. Although it's not the best place for him. I was deep in thought about everything. Ulysses somehow being alive and Lucy being dead. Despite the fact that there's no room on this bird so I'm facing Callum whose speaking with Rayla. Something seems off. It took a moment before I caught on. "Guys, I think we're maybe losing altitude," I say trying to stay calm. "You know I think he's right," Rayla said. "What? No way. I'm extremely attuned to slight changes in the airflow..." The end of that sentence went into a scream when he looked down. Everyone started to scream bar me of course. Phoe, Phoe hits the ground hard sending Ez and Zym off the cliff face. As for myself, I had not much time to react. I put my right arm out forward grabbing a small rock pointing outwards. I know this won't hold me for long so I quickly start to search for something to grip onto finding a small dent in the cliff face which was bigger enough for my hand placing it there. This was holding me now I look to my right and see that Rayla had pulled Ezran and Zym up. I look up as a four-fingered hand reach down. I grabbed it as Rayla started to pull me open. "You know six, you're heavy," she says jokingly as she pulls over the cliff.


The man in elite riot combat gear stood watching general Amaya. He's mind is cast back to a few days ago. He's stood in front of the horse. Amaya looked at the man with confusion. 'It hasn't been that long has?' The man signed to her. She looked him in the eyes. When a look of both recognition and shock. 'Edward? How? We thought you had died' she signed back. A small smile appeared on his face. 'Oh please, do you really think a dragon could kill me' he signed. 'We should head to the base' Amaya signed. 'Good you can catch me up on everything when we get' he signed before they both got on the horse.

Back in the present Amaya turns to her address one of her troops. "General Amaya, we've searched everywhere and there's no sign of the elves. I think it's safe to conclude that the outpost on the Xadian side remains secret." A moment pause as the general thought about the situation "there, look! The signal the outpost is secure." Edward looked at the smoke. He had a nagging feeling like something was wrong.

POV the sole Survivor

The vertibird land with a loud clank. On the way here we passed over what looked like a river of lava. We load off the vertibird. I turn to the group with me. "Preston you and me will go in. McCready, Piper you two stay here with the vertibird, " they nod. I grab my laser musket and unique 10 mm pistol 'the deliverer' hooking it on to my belt. It was a short walk. Preston was beside me and Dogmeat was running around sniff all sorts of thing. Then we saw it what looked to be a bunker. Something I would have seen pre-war days back in the military. But this was relatively new. It had also clearly been designed so that no one could find it from above. With the back of the bunker being covered in grass. We both watch as the door slowly opened. A man with grey hair and green eyes in a long brown coat. Behind him two people in suits of power armour. Unlike any, I've seen before. "You must be general Nate Emery, it is good to finally meet you," he said, his voice had a heavy southerner accent. "And you are?" I asked. "Oh pardon where are my manners. I am colonel Augustus Autumn"

POV Courier six
We all stand gathered around in a small circle while Ez checks on Phoe-Phoe. I check my pip-boy. I was looking for a bottle of Sunset Sarsaparilla. Just to find that I was out. "Phoe-Phoe is okay. She's just tired. She gets her power from the Moon Nexus. The further away we go, the harder it is to carry everyone." Ez explains. 'The poor thing' I think to myself. Callum was saying something but I wasn't paying attention. I can't shake this feeling like something very evil has been woken up. It's like a chill down my robotic spine similar to what I felt the first time I meet Caesar or farther Elijah. I turn to the water. "How are we going to get through that?" I asked pointing out. "Just are luck, to get to Xadia we have to cross miles and miles of the fluid I both need to survive and hate more than anything in the world." There was clear dislike and uneasy at thought of crossing it for her. "You know what? We'll just walk around it somehow. With our legs." Callum said optimistically concerned of his friend. ED-E beeped angrily at this. Since she had no legs but I don't think Callum noticed. "No. That's sweet, but walking around is gonna take too long. We need to get that former egg, now adorable baby dragon home to Xadia as fast as we can. We've got to go straight across." She said with determination looking out across the water. I crake a smile. "One small step" I whispered to myself. A short way was a small boating town my best guess is this is the main Port on this side of the lake. We were all just able to hide behind some conveniently placed boxes. "Well, we need a boat. And a captain who knows how to make it go" Ez say to us. "Indeed we do. But we must find one who does not have a hatred towards elves what might be tricky" I say to them. Rayla scoffs at this. "That won't be a problem. I can disguise myself as a human again, " She says clapping her hand before she jumps over to Ezran and grabs the cloak from his bag. "Hello, again, fellow humans, human fellow," Rayla says. I nodded my head. "We are all going to die" I whispered to myself. "Oh, oh! You're going to love this, Zym. I'm a huge fan of Human Rayla." Ezran said happily. ED-E beeped happily at Rayla idea. "Let's go judge and criticize things that other humans do, and then do the exact same thing ourselves, " she said trying to do an American accent. I bring my hands up to my face and just cover it. Letting out a big sigh. Ezran laughs. "Do another" Ez said very happily. "Sure thing, old buddy, old pal. I am excited to rapidly eat a plate of unwholesome food in an excessive portion size, " she said still trying to do her accent. "You're right about that at least," I say moving my hands back down to my sides while I'm still crouched. "Won't it be great...." I interrupted her this time iI put my hand up. "As much as I hate interrupting your spot-on impersonation of a human," I say with a hit of sarcasm in my voice. "But we really have to get a boat, " I say. "He's right," Callum said standing up. "Ezran and I will find a sea captain. You stay here and work on growing a fifth finger, " Callum said. Rayla jumped to her feet "you've got it, my smooth-skulled friend, " Rayla said the accent still present. "I'll wait here with her," I said standing myself.

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