Encounter at katolis (rewritten)

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POV the courier

Night time here, it's strange, I look up and the stars that stare down at me, but they are not the stars I know, I looked at the others, Rayla and Ezran were asleep, Ezran hugging the dimly glowing Bait. Callum wasn't asleep, he was leaning against the tree, holding the magic box to the magic sphere...

Callum kept moving it from the box and then back again, and then he went over to the sleeping Rayla and held the box to her, After a minute of moving it back-fourth Rayla grabbed his arm.

The two talked for a moment, they were far enough from me that I didn't hear them, but I did see Ezran start to awake, in time to answer something. "Wait! We got food! We grab the sack of bread at the banther lodge," Ezran said cheerfully.

"I thought this was a bag of clubs," Rayla said carefully lifting one.

"Clubs? Look what happens if cut something with it," I said pulling the knife from a belt and stabbing it into the bread, causing the blade to break. "That is military-grade armour,"

Rayla swung the bread around, before suddenly dropping it and grabbing her arm in pain. The bread hit a rock snapping the rock in half, Everyone just looked at it for a moment. "No, no, no, I think we shouldn't eat that," I said. 

Rayla tried to sneak off, and I joined her. "Are you alright? You looked like you had some pain in your arm," 

"I'm fine!" Rayla snapped. 

"You're not a good liar," I said. 

Rayla stopped and turned to me, pointing her blade at me. "Listen to me, I don't need you to look after me," Then it dawned on me, her other arm had a binding on it.

"Rayla, I just want to help," I said.

"I do not need your help," She said walking off. 

I decided to sit down next to a tree and sighed. "I used to be so good with people," 

POV the lone wander
Following the marker on my pipboy turned out to be hard as Messa didn't know her way around the human kingdoms, and my pipboy didn't have a map, so we found ourselves in a gorge, with statues some new, some old. 

Messa was feeding the horse, and making sure that she drunk. "Stay here for now," I said to her. "I'm going to check around," 

POV the courier

I had slowly started to return to Callum and Ezran when I heard. "Help! Help!" Callum yelled, my mind immediately went to the worst, and I pulled my revolver, rushing to get back.

I got there at the same time as Rayla emerged from the tree, and what I saw took me by surprise, Callum was standing there, one arm extended out, Lightning flying about. "What the actual hell?"

Callum's eyes flickered from me to Rayla, panic in them. "Help!" he asked.

I looked at Ezran for an explanation "he tried to copy Claudia's lightning spell" Ezran shouted. "he doesn't know how to finish it" he added. 

"Of course! Have you considered touching something?" I asked. 

 Callum looked away from me and over to Rayla. "What do I do now?" He asked, worried. 

"When you release a spell there's normally a word or phrase in Ancient draconic," Rayla explained.

"I know Dragonborn but that's about it," I said. "That was an interesting week,"

"Did you hear Claudia say anything?" Rayla asked

"No I mean right when I grabbed her hand away she might have called me a fool," Callum said. 

(being rewritten) A new land (fallout and the Dragon princes Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now