Chapter 2 Going back home

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Peter was siting on a hard wooden brown bench near the boarding area so he can board fast when they call his name. Lydia who was left in Switzerland went around the country before following Peter back to the Philippines.

Two hours after Peter's flight back to the Philippines Lydia followed. After that tiring long trip going back to the Philippines Peter rode a taxi back to his house in Quezon city, he did not even know that his parents transfered to a new house.

He thought there mean neighbor told them to transfer to another house to not disturb him anymore, he almost went to his neighbors and went historical in front of the other neighbors, but one kind neighbor told him that his parents were living in the house were his mother is working

After Lydia boarding of the plane with a 13 hour and 38 minute flight from Switzerland to the Philippines. She will visit her boyfriend Oscar Fernandez who is actually the ex boyfriend of Zoe.

Oscar to Lydia POV

Hi babe how was your trip to Switzerland? I missed you. (Hugged and kissed Lydia)

Lydia to Oscar POV

It was a very fun trip babe! I missed you too. (Hugged and kissed Oscar)
The next thing that Peter did was find the house of the Jalbuena family where his mom was working and living in.

Peter told his mom why she transfered there without telling him she transfered but his mom replied in the use of hand gestures that his father and her will be living in the same house as the Jalbuena family.

Then Peter understood what his mother told him but tried to convince them to go back to their old house.
The next thing that Peter did was find the house of the Jalbuena family where his mom was working and living in.

Peter told his mom why she transfered there without telling him she transfered but his mom replied in the use of hand gestures that his father and her will be living in the same house as the Jalbuena family.

Then Peter understood what his mother told him but tried to convince them to go back to their old house.

The next thing that Peter did was find the house of the Jalbuena family where his mom was working and living in.

Peter told his mom why she transfered there without telling him she transfered but his mom replied in the use of hand gestures that his father and her will be living in the same house as the Jalbuena family.

Then Peter understood what his mother told him but tried to convince them to go back to their old house.

Peter's mom did not listen to him instead she told him to get all his clothes in there old house and bring them all here because they will live with the Jalbuena family permanently.

Annabelle to Peter POV

Peter just follow me if I said we are staying here we are staying here.

Peter to Annabelle POV

Ok fine!

The next day Peter and his mother Annabelle were having breakfast in the kitchen together with the parents of Zoe. She is the one I saw in Switzerland when I visited kuya Edgar, let's see what's on when Cali Jalbuena changed it to news they saw the new was about 1 tricycle driver who caught an accident when they saw it was Andy Gonzales the father of Peter Annabelle and Peter rushed to the hospital and when the doctors told them that he will pass away soon the two keep sobbing and sobbing till they both were tired than Andy Gonzales passed away that was the worst thing that happened to their family.

Annabelle went directly to Edgar and his wife Claudia Tan Gonzales the couple thought that she would approve their marriage but they thought wrong because she went to them with rage she told Edgar how could you get married to a girl we don't even like for you. Mother why do you say that to my wife Claudia she is the reason I am very happy I love her. Annabelle slapped Edgar and Claudia very hard like they were bitten by a shark than she told Peter lets go son lets leave this traitors.

I can't believe that he would betray us like that said his mother. Than Peter told his mom to calm down if you get stress you might end up in heaven and I am going to end up with my older brother Edgar forever and I don't want to end up with them because if I end up with them I might be influenced by them to love someone I don't love and that is very scary and very very unfair. Mom don't want you to get stressed.

The next day after Andy Gozales was burried Cali Jalbuena called her daughter to comeback home in Manila

Cali to Zoe POV

Anak! Please come home.

Peter Said sorry to Zoe because he did not know that Leah was allergic to peanut powder.

Zoe to the police POV

Will she be ok? It is all his fault

Mom why would I come back ate Cora might get mad! Ok ok I will go home.

The next morning Zoe arrived in NAIA or Ninoy Aquino International Airport after that 13 hour 38 minute flight she went to her older sister's business office and Cora told her what are you doing here I told you to not come back here in Manila right yes but my mom told me to go back home my mom or your mom said Cora shouting at Zoe I am not after money Cora I came back for mom well ok than this is not my decision this is your decision if dad asks why your here I am not going to answer yes I know that because your his favorite child that's why.

While Zoe was on her way to her home in Quezon City she saw her her step sister Gisselle Tang running to a café Zoe wondered why was Gisselle running to a café so fast. When Zoe got home he saw his mother having lunch alone she asked her mother mom where is dad? The reply of her mother is he is in his study. Ok replied Zoe in a very low voice. Wait told her mother your father doesn't want to see you it is better if you tell me about your life in Switzerland. Ok than,mom will I still study in Ateneo De Manila University? You try to enroll there again and reconcile with your old friends. Ok I will try replied Zoe.

Meanwhile in the café Peter was working their and did not notice that Gisselle the future step sister of Zoe was looking for her. Gisselle knocked at the door loudly when Peter was about to open the door he was shocked with what he saw he saw a tall, beautiful woman with an arrogant attitude he asked who are you looking for? He did not know that Gisselle was looking for him she told him you I am looking for you. Peter replied why me? I rented this café just for us. Now can you fetched some hot coffee. Ok here is your hot coffee. Gisselle asked Peter, Peter will you go out with me? She than replied no I can not to busy. With what? Asked Gisselle if you don't want to out with me I will pour this cup of hot coffee on the floor. While Gisselle was slowly pouring the cup of hot coffee on the floor she than poured it on purpose than Peter told Gisselle I am so tired of cleaning this mess I cleaned this since a while ago so please stop pouring it than Gisselle said ok I will stop if you will go out with me. Than Peter replied ok fine.

The next day Peter went to the grocery to buy some cups of noodles for himself. While he was in a hurry he did not even noticed that Gisselle was following him. Gisselle was following Peter because he secretly liked him, when Peter went back to the café to get a short nap when Gisselle stared at Peter very closely he said in his mind who is this guy who ever you I like you. Than she tried to wake him up she said hey wake up! Wake up! But Peter did not hear her because he was sleeping soundly.

The next day when Peter woke up he saw Gisselle stare at him very closely he asked miss Gisselle Tang why are you here? Why are you staring at me like that? The reply of Gisselle was like this I am here because of you. I stared at you because I like you. Why do you like me? Asked Peter, Peter started runni Gisselle, Gisselle told Peter to wait for her.

When Zoe saw Gisselle chasing a man in streets she saw a very familiar face she thought that it was the guy she saw in Switzerland 14 days ago. When she told her driver to get closer to the guy than when she saw him she was very shocked because she did not know that a guy like him could live in a very rich town like this.

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