Chapter 13

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August P.O.V.

Good mornin ugh today is the day I have to tell Nicki that I'm leaving. I hope she can respect my grind,I'm not no 9-5 type of nigga. But I need to call black and get everything straightened out.




"Good mornin bro."

"What's up , we need to go to the trap later on today. Man have you told yo girl you leaving"?

"Hell nawl not yet B I'm going to when she come back. You think she will take care of Harmony"?

" you stress to much yeah she will. And if not take her to Chyna."

"Okay who all going to New York."

"The whole squad ,King wants us to make new connections and have new spot's."

"Ight coo what time we leaving."

"I don't know we will find. Out when we hit the trap."

"Ight one."


They ended the phone call.

I went into my room and started to pack my suit case I had all my shoes in one bag other one all his shirts pants&underwear.

I went into my black dresser to look for a stash of money, that I was saving for Harmony's college founds.

Which was a total of 2k just to start her off but I is leaving it all for Nicki & Harmony while I went out of town.

"August we are home."

Nick said from downstairs he could hear Harmony cooing in a high pitch voice.

I closed the room door then went downstairs to help Nicki.

"Hey bae how are you"?

August said giving Nicki a huge wet kiss.

"Eww Auggie move that wet ass kiss.."

"Shut up ga you knoe you like it."

Nicki finished putting up the food,while I went to put Harmony down for a nap.

"Aye Nicki!come here real quick."

August said he is really nervous to tell her but it shouldn't be that bad.

Nicki came in the room to hear what he had to say.

"Yes Auggie."

She said her eyes lit up and meet with his brown eyes.

"Umm I have something to tell you very important."


Nicki said while wrapping her hair around her index finger.

"What do you have to tell me be 100%. "

August walked over and wrapped his strong arms around her tiny waist.

"I have to leave for NYC tomorrow morning and I have to leave early.Also I'm gone for 2 months."

August closed his eyes and prepared for the worst.

"But-bae,why do you have to be gone. What about Harmony."?

A tear slipped down her cheek.

"Stop crying ma its going to be alright."

He said making small circles on her back.

"Auggie, don't go why do you have to. "?

" because bae I'm trying to make this money nd you knoe im not no 9-5 type of nigga."

"So what! Get a fuckin job and work for what you want in life! Do you not think about Harmony? Huh did you think about how she would feel that her daddy died to these streets or you in jail. "?

"Calm yo fuckin voice! Who do you think you talkin to !? I'm not one of your little.friends. ! Fuck you mean. I'm out cha makin a livin foe US. You me & Harmony. Nobody gone get this shit for me but me. "

End of chapter 13 excuse my mistakes and errors. I will edit it all later. Vote & comment. Don't be a silent reader.

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