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I stand my ground looking into this mans deep brown eyes. Who the fuck does he think he is bossing me around like that? I'm not dumb to just randomly go with a stranger to god knows where.

I continue glaring at him and the two body guards behind me whisper something to one another.

" Mr. Odiare is getting impatient he wants to see if it's really her," the man on the left says.

I raise my eyebrow in confusion and curiosity overwhelms me. You know what screw it what's the worst that can happen?

" If I go with you how do I know that you won't hurt me?" I ask.

" You don't," the man on the right responds in a monotone voice.

A smile brings its way across my lips.

" Sure then I'll come,"

" Wait seriously?" The man on the right asks.

" Yup you could say curiosity killed the cat. The cat in this situation is me by the way because you know I'm really curious and..." I begin to rant.

The men raise their eyebrows at me and I merely shrug. They head out rather fast and I walk behind them. They stop in front of a black limo and open the door for me to go in. I wearily enter inside and soon the door slams shut. The limo starts driving away and I look around to see bottles of whine and stashes of candy stored everywhere.

I look around the limo to see if there's any cameras and when I don't spot any I dive in eating the Hershey kisses placed out.

So. Fucking. Good.

The ride consists of me humming random tunes and eating more candy. How long have we been driving for?

The limo soon comes to a halt and I jerk forward by the impact. I groan and shake my head and mutter curses under my breath. I take my hair out of the bun and apply a little mascara and lipgloss to make myself actually look decent. The door opens and I come out.

" Woah," I gasp.

This place is fucking huge. Right before my eyes is a beautiful fountain with two gardens beside it. The house or should I say mansion is a beautiful off white with two pillars at the front door. There are vines and roses hung at each window that seems to be glimmering against the suns rays. God who ever lives here is lucky.

This place is like a dream to me.

The bodyguard clears his throat and I take that as a sign for me to follow him. So we walk past the gardens and the fountain and enter the house. We are met with a wide open space room with two other living rooms beside it. I look up and a shining chandelier is hanging down about 20 ft above where I am now. A staircase is right front of me with jasmines on the railing.

" Shut the fuck up Liam!" someone shouts.

I look up to find 4 very good looking men on top of the stair case screaming at one another. I squint my eyes and look closer. One of them has my eyes while another has my nose. Another has my heart shaped face and smile. What the hell?

Then another man who looks like he's in his mid or late 40's walks towards them with a scowl on his face. He has a stubble beard with a couple gray hairs and has my exact eyes and scowl face. I'm so confused right now. He seems to be trying to get what it seems to be his sons to shut up.

" Excuse me Mr. Odiare we found her," the bodyguard in the middle says, imma call him Bob.

All of the men stop what they're doing and look straight at me their eyes probably scrutinizing every part of me.

A sad smile breaks across the older mans face. He slowly heads down the stairs while his sons follow behind him. He stands in front of me and holds out his hand.

" My name's Bennet Odiare I was hoping I would get to see you soon," he says.

" What's your name?" one of his sons behind him asks.

" April García,"

Silence fills the room while all eyes are still on me.

" You look just like her," Mr. Odiare's son who seems to be the oldest considering his stubbly beard and broad figure mutters.

I raise my eyebrow in confusion.

" Just like who?" I ask.

" Our mother...your mother technically," the same man responds.

" What the fuck did you just say?"

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