Chapter 1

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I walked my lands with my dogs, Duke and Dutchess. My daughter, Quai was in the nursery with her attendants and my son, Terrell, whom we call Terry, was with his tutors. They were beautiful lands to be sure. I picked up a stick and threw it for my dogs to retrieve. At that moment, I noticed a messenger approaching. That was just what I needed to shatter my peace, a message.

These were the times I wished my husband, the Earl of Sharon, was still alive. He was by no means a man I loved. I was wed to him when I was just shy of fifteen and he a man of twenty-eight. I had given him two beautiful sun-kissed children by the age of eighteen. He loved them to be sure. He had his heir and his doll. I was just for show and status. He was, after all, married to one of the daughters of the Great King of Willow and Penn.

He had even been given the right to be called a prince by my father. The Earl had died in a hunting accident a year ago. This left me the dowager countess of Sharon. My son was now the Earl of Sharon and Viscount of Pembroke and being raised as such. My daughter was left as the Baroness of Salford way and other lands. In this, my husband had taken great care to make sure his children were cared for. I, of course, saw to the management of their lands as well as mines.

My husband was not so very cruel to me compared to other stories I had heard, but he was not a pleasant man either. He showed me little affection and criticized me on every front. He had even seen fit to slap me on occasion. Though, what I had done to earn that is still unclear to me. He only saw me to lay with me and on special occasions. I cannot say that I can count very many times that he came to my bed. It was very much a blessing that I came from fertile stock.

In that, it did not take much to provide him the heirs he made it clear I was to provide. If not, I was even more worthless then he thought me to be. Those were his words, not mine. He had many mistresses and made no secret of them. I had always known I would be married, as a princess, you are raised with such knowledge. Though I had prayed that it would at least be to a man who loved me. In that, my prayer was not answered.

My principal lady and best friend, Lethia, came out with the messenger. She curtsied and he bowed to me.

"A message from the king, your highness." the servant muttered. He was just a young man. It was more than likely his first assignment on my father's behalf. I know the pressure of beginning life at court. After he handed the letter to Lethia, I decided to put him at ease.

"Your name sir?" I asked.

"Martin, your highness." He answered nervously.

"Well, Martin, I do not know your face, are you new to my father's service?"

"Yes, your highness. Very."

"A word of advice for you, if you would have it of me."

"I would madam, very much so." He answered eagerly.

"Relax, my father barks long before he bites." I assured him.

Martin and Lethia both smile at this.

"I shall remember your words as well as your kindness, your highness."

After Lethia was done reading the letter she turned to Martin.

"Thank you, her grace will respond in short order. Go, eat and refresh yourself. We will have you summoned when her response is readied." She instructed him.

Martin bowed, thanked her and went back into the kitchens to do as she had bid him. He was no doubt starving after such a journey.

"Well? Vicountess? What does it say?" I asked her, teasingly.

"You know I hate when you call me by my title, Princess, your grace, Madam", she said in jest as well with her beautiful smile..

We had grown up together. She and her brother were wards of my parents. She was three years older but one of my closest friends. She and Nicole, who was spending time with her husband, the Baron of South. They were newly married and trying to conceive. I had kept them in my service when I married, as they would have it no other way.

"The king, your father as it were, request an immediate audience with you"

"Request?" I asked knowing that it was but a formality. I had freedom to say no to the king.

"Request." She answered.

"Well, that can't be good, I hate to leave the children, or my home. He knows this."

"Then you will be happy to know he says to bring his grandchildren as they are the joy of your mother, the queen, and it has been too long since she has spoiled them."

"Yes, that makes it all the more pleasing.", I add sarcastically. "Well, it is not as if I can refuse this request, so send Martin with the message we will leave as soon as our household is ready to travel." I bid her.

"What do you think this could be about?" She asked me.

"Surely, one of my siblings has displeased him and he would rant to me of it."


"Or what?"

"Or, he would have you married again." She answered.

"Do not even joke of it Le." I warned her.

"You are but nineteen, beautiful and fertile. It is no secret that your father is making alliances in many different lands. He now, once again, has two daughters free to bind these."

"I have married. Let him marry my younger sister if that is his wish."

"I am sure he is working on that as well."

"Sometimes I don't know why I like you, you bring me no comfort."

"I bring you truth, that is why you love me." she reminded me.

"You are right, go, let the servants know we leave on the morrow. Traveling with small children is no easy feat. And we know the patience of my father wears thin quickly."

She nodded her understanding and turned to leave. I continued my walk and begin to pray. My prayer now is that my father would leave me to my widow's weeds as I have learned that love is only in dreams.

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