Chapter 23, 24 & 25

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Chapter 23

We bid Alex and De, as well as my parents, goodbye. I was more than ready to head home to my 2 babes. Tony was quiet on the ride home. After too many hours of wondering, I was forced to ask.

"Is your majesty ok? You seem to be lost in your own head."

"I am sorry." he replied as he snapped out of his thoughts. "I suppose I am thinking of all that I have learned. It has been a surprise to say the least."

"That it has been. Though I am glad that my father has you to help advise him, and more if, heaven forbid, he shall need it. How is my father? He only showed his happiness to me, as any king would."

"He is worried. He thinks that the marriage may serve to push the duke to action, instead of see him change course. After all, what better time to attack then before your brother has an heir to follow him to the throne?" he answered.

"I must admit, I had thought of it. I worry for my brother and his safety so."

Tony reached over and grabbed my hand tightly and rubbed my hair with his other hand and leaned in closely to me. "You mustn't worry. Your father and I have equipped your brother with his own personal army. Some from my cousin, my forces and that of your father. Also, your brother's own who have been with him for years and are loyal to him. We have also placed some men about him who have been briefed on what may be at hand. They are men who are known to trade in intrigue. In that, they will know of anything untoward before any harm would come to your brother."

I shook my head in understanding with a sigh of relief.

"That does ease my mind." I stated quietly and then settled in to lean on him, looking out of the carriage at the trees going by as we headed home.

When we arrived, I headed straight for the nursery with Tony on my heels. The nurses presented the babies to us. I peppered them both with kisses as we both took one from their arms to hug and love on.

"Look at my babes, it's as if you have grown six inches since we have been gone. Have you missed us as we have missed you?" I asked as we held them close.

Tony turned to the nurses and attendants.

"How have they been? Are they eating well? Any sign of illness or reasons to worry?"

Aniya, the head of their nurses answered,

"They are perfect, your majesty. They eat well and often. Which is why they have grown so. Not one sniffle has crossed them. Your majesties needn't worry, they have given no cause for such."

He nodded his understanding as I turned to her.

"We thank you for your care of them, my lady."

She nodded and curtsied..

"It has been no hard task, majesty. Even Zymree, though headstrong, is a happy babe."

We all laughed at that as we know him, even at so young an age, to be such.

We handed them back to the nurses so that we could change from our traveling clothes. Tony turned to the nurses.

"See to them, the queen and I must bathe and change after our journey. We just couldn't do so until we had seen the princes."

We kissed and loved on them for a few moments more and then headed to our chambers where our baths were being drawn and clothing pulled by our attendants.

Tony stopped outside my apartments and kissed me, "I shall see you at dinner, no?"

"You shall." I answered. He then bent to kiss me before heading on to his own.

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