Chapters 10, 11 & 12

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Chapter 10

"How someone can look better the more their belly grows is anyone's guess." I turned to see my sister, Ivel, standing in the doors to my chambers. She curtsied deeply with her big smile and dimples that mirrored those of my aunt. I almost ran to her, but with such a belly, she reached me first.

"Your majesty."

"Don't you dare, it is always sister to you." I told her.

"Well sister, I see you are well. I was a whale when I was pregnant. When you are with child only your breast, hair and stomach grow. Teach me your secrets." We laughed and sat at my table. I nodded to my servants to bring us food and they left to do so. I also wanted privacy as I knew there was a reason she had traveled so far.

"I did not even know you were coming. You sent no word. Have you brought Monty and Juan and my dear niece, Layla? Quai would love to see her."

"I have brought Layla, she is in with her cousin now. They were too occupied with each other to think of us another moment."

"And the boys, did they not accompany you?" I asked again, eager to see them.

"Their father thought it important that they stay with him. He thinks they spend too much time with me, their own mother, and that I shall ruin them. He says I dote on them too much and he will have three daughters and no sons if left to me. They will hunt and learn to cure their own meat he says. He means to make them into men." She said with a wave of her hand.

"Pardon me, but does the Earl not know that them being men was confirmed at their birth?"

We both laughed loudly.

The servants brought us wine, tea and fruit to snack on, bowed and left.

"So big sister, I know you. Your eyes give you away. What is your worry?"

"I could never hide my troubles from you, could I? I feel as if you are the elder sister sometimes. It is father and Alex. I think them to be close to war."

"War?!?, With whom? Who would dare come against our family?! I thought us to be at peace with everyone."

"It is the Duke, Mopsy's husband. You know he has never been satisfied and thinks that because of his lineage, he should sit the throne."

"And our sister, what does she say?"

"She is his wife, and father's daughter. I would not be in her position for all the world. With father getting older, and Alex just coming of an age to properly rule, I fear that he may gain support in this. Alex was only just betrothed at 16 and heirs will be years away. If any harm would come to him..." she trailed off, as if afraid to finish her thought.

"Do not even think it. Where have you heard this news?" I asked her, eager for it to be proven as mere baseless gossip.

"There have been rumblings. My boys visited their cousins and you know the tongue of her eldest. My boys said he made statements that one day they would surely bow to him. He would be kind though, and they could serve on his council and at his court. His younger brother, Ree, with more sense stepped in and tried to turn it into a game. As if they were playing at the throne as boys often do. My boys were not fooled. They also say that many men beholden to the duke were about, sharpening swords and talking in whispers."

"Has father been warned?"

"I came to you. I know your husband's reputation at war. I thought you may mention it to him." I doubt father would see the danger anyway. He thinks our family more loyal than he ought."

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