Chapter 14, 15 & 16

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Chapter 14

I was met by Tony pacing back and forth as I was brought back to my chambers after my bath. He ran over to me and took over from the servants in helping me to bed quickly sending them away to fetch the doctor to check me again. I could see the worry and knew he was on the edge as he covered me with blankets.

"You promised me. Do you not remember? You said that you and the baby would be fine. You said that I would visit you in the birthing chamber and our baby in the nursery. Do you not mean to keep your promise? I could not bear it. I told you this morning you were fevered, and to lie down. I saw you. You were out with the dogs and playing with Quai in the gardens. When the doctor came to me I thought he would say you or the child were gone." He said with worry mixed with relief.

"I am right here, I mean to keep my promise. Let me show you something." I said calmly, trying to give him comfort.

I took his hands and put them both on my stomach as there was much action going on in there. That seemed to relax him some. He even smiled.

"The child seems to be doing well, I will say that." He conceded.

"I unde rstand your worry, I worry as well, but sometimes children want to get into this world early, and they do what it takes to see to it. Two of my sisters have birthed early and their children are healthy and happy as ever. Though I do not wish it for us. So, I will rest as the doctor says. I shall go crazy for not being able to walk about, as you know I love it, but I shall listen. For the health of our child is my priority. I just wanted to spend time with Quai. With her leaving to visit her home in Salford, I shall be all nerves." I offered as an excuse for not doing as I was bid this morning.

Just then the doctor rushed in, bowed, and came to me straight away. He felt my head and listened to my heart. He then put his hearing apparatus to my belly and nodded with relief. He used his hands to feel about my belly. When the exam was done, he turned to us...

"Her majesty's fever has abated. I am having an herbal remedy added to her tea to keep the fever away made for her now. She will have it three times a day for three days. I think the queen has just overwrought herself at the same time the baby yearns to see his king and queen. With her staying in bed, she should be able to carry the heir for another month at least. As long as she complies." He said as he looked over his glasses as a grandfather does to his mischievous grandchild.

Tony replied before I could, "She will, if I have to bring my meeting chambers here and watch her myself. I will move my bed here."

The doctor replied, "It may not be a good idea, your majesty, as your conjucal rights can not be had while the queen is on rest. It may bring on early labor."

Tony answered. "That is disappointing to be sure, but I will still sleep with her as often as is comfortable for her majesty." He said, having made up his mind.

The doctor bowed and begin to leave.

"Dr. I would ask. I have a journey to tend to some of my lands and people who are having some unrest coming next week. I intended to take the queen, as that will not happen, should I change my plans? I would be here if there are any problems with the queen or child and I would also be here for the birth."

"How far are these lands, majesty?", he asked.

"Three days ride. If I ride hard, two days."

"I think if the queen and child are not delivered and are no worse before next week, you may keep your plans. But, ride hard in any case." He replied with a smile.

"Thank you sir, and regular reports on her health." he added.

The doctor nodded his understanding, turned and left.

"I will not go if you do not want me to." He told me with a serious look and tone.

"That is nonsense. Go, see to the kingdom. We will thrive, you will see.

Chapter 15

My brother, Prince Alex and his betrothed both arrived two days before the king's trip. We were both excited. I to see family and to see if they would take to each other. My husband to meet my brother and have someone to be his eyes and ears as I did all I could to keep his heir in place for a little longer.

Alex and Tony got along splendidly. They hunted and a feast was thrown for the arrival of the prince and duchess. I had special permission from the doctor to join the feast, provided I stay a very short time and do no dancing. Truly, I was to make no merriment at all.

I will admit that De and Alex looked a most handsome couple. Her reddish-brown hair was set in tight curls and her green eyes set off her dress. Alex's locs were neatly tied in the front in the intricate braids that our house was known for. The rest fell down his back with purple and gold dyed at the tips. They danced and laughed and drank. I could be no more pleased to see it.

I retired early, as bid, and Tony came to stay with me in my apartments. His journey was to start in the morning and he would spend his last night at home, holding me.

In the morning, I bid him goodbye from my apartments with tears in my eyes. I would miss him and had been looking forward to this trip. The court stood outside along with his retinue. They bid them goodbye properly. He even stopped and blew a kiss to my window. This I returned.

I then started to speak with my belly. "Now little one, though you are eager, we must wait for father. You have time yet before you must greet us. I will have answers to give to the king if you are too early and harm comes to either of us." I whispered. A flurry of kicks were just the answer I needed. "Then it is settled. You shall stay put." With that, I laid my head against the pillow to keep up my end of the bargain.

Chapter 16

I woke to a grand surprise. My brother Alex sitting at my bedside playing cards with De. He was doing so miserably at that. Though I know him to be a better card player than this. Father taught him how to endear women. He learned well.

"Your majesty." he smiled, looking like our father.

"Your highness." I replied, then I turned to De.

"Your grace." I greeted her.

"Your majesty." She smiled back.

I leaned over to her and whispered as she used her fan to hide our words.

"How do you find my brother?" I inquired of her.

"Very well, your majesty." She replied with a huge smile.

"Well enough to marry and someday, rule beside." I went on with my questioning.

She smiled widely." I find myself resolved to it." was her sincere response.

"Then I am happy." I returned her smile.

My brother jumped in. "Is my sister helping you to cheat?" It is not beneath her you know, to plot against me." We all laughed at that.

"Oh brother, if only you knew how I plot for you, you would beg forgiveness for that slight." I said with a smile.

"I'm sure you are right, as plotting has ever been your secret strength." He returned with seriousness in his eyes. "To be sure, if a plot is about, I would be on that side which you plot for." He answered.

I reached over and ran my hands through his dreads and answered in my most serious voice.

"Always brother, even now."

He looked over and nodded his head in understanding. We then went on smiling, laughing and having a grand time playing cards.

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