Chapters 32, 33 & 34

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Chapter 32

We went on for weeks like this. Waiting on updates and trying to fill the court with merriment. I had daily council meetings and Tony and I wrote each other as often as his war efforts allowed. He had shared with my father my sister's plotting against him. My father was utterly devastated. He did not leave his war tent for days.

My heart sank to think of it. The good news was that we were winning. The duke's men were less in number than thought and some had defected to join our forces. Alex fought bravely according to Tony. He would be visiting De for a few days at our castle as my father wanted them to continue to try for an heir. I was to expect him and a guard of two hundred men in to days' time from now.

De had been here with us and treated as the princess that she was. She was very much a help and support in this trying time. She and I met for lunch in her chambers to give ourselves a break from intrigue and meetings. She sat there looking beautiful with a dress made of our house colors and her hair in one long braid down her back. When I was announced, she and her ladies stood and curtsied to me. My ladies then did the same to her, as her rank now required of them. I walked over and kissed her cheek.

"Sister." I greeted her.

"Your majesty. I am glad you could join me." she returned.

"Of course. I miss our talks and laughs we had when you were my lady and awaiting your marriage."

"I do as well. I learned much from our time together." She added.

"I hear you are to receive company soon. A husband if I am told correctly." I said with a smile.

"You have heard correctly. I still find myself nervous with him." she confessed.

"Why is that? Does he mistreat you? I will have his ears boxed if that is the case." I said half serious and half joking.

"Oh no. Alex treats me with such kindness and love. I don't think that I would ever have found such in a man twice his age." She said with a look of love in her eyes.

"I am glad to hear it. Though I was eager for a reason to box his ears as I did when we were children." We both laughed at that.

We had took our seats and started to drink our wine and eat. We spoke and laughed. It was a welcomed break. For the first time in months, I did not have to decipher some plot or wonder or make some decision that would affect our lives and that of our people. After we were done eating, we moved over to her sitting chairs.

It was there that they De decided to let me in on her insecurities.

"Tye, what if I am barren and unable to give your brother a child?" she asked.

"What would make you feel so?"

"My mother only birthed two children. My own brother died as a babe. This is how I inherited my Duchy. If not, I would be the countess of something or other and married off to some old Lord."

"I am sorry to hear of your brother. Though thank heavens you were not married off in such a way. I know that unhappiness and it haunts me still at times."

"Your family is known for its fertility. We had heard of the Davis princesses long before your marriage was made to my cousin." She offered.

"Had you? Good things I hope." I said with a smile.

"The best of things. We heard how you were all smart and beautiful. Your hair flowed and you were humble as well. Of course, the most important thing was that you all, with the exception of Sha who is still unwed, bore sons to your husbands. At least one. There is no doubt she will as well when she is married. You would think that I was a great catch for any Lord's sons or the Lord himself."

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