Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

My sister and I sat in my meeting room sipping tea and speaking.

"How do you find Tony, sister?" I asked her, eager for her approval.

"I find him well. I am happy you have such a match. I admit I had considered sending your first husband to his grave. His stupidity did that for him." She said.

"Ivel!, he is still the father of your nephew and niece."

"I am sorry, your majesty. Of course, you are right. I just love you so much and worry as any big sister would." She said, though I know she was not sorry in the least.

"There is nothing to forgive. If I had not my children. I would feel differently altogether. I thank you for your care of me, always."

She nodded and sipped her tea.

"Did you speak with the king concerning what we discussed?"

"Not entirely."

"Tye!!!" she half yelled, half whispered.

"I know. Yet hear me. There is a way to do things. If you think back to what we learned at father and mother's knee of ruling, there is a step to take before preparing for war." I reminded her.

"Making alliances." she stated with an understanding smirk.

"Exactly. So, in that, I have made a few suggestions with regards to marriages. Ours is one and already made, of course. But he has much family to the south and they have large lands and armies. So, with other marriages, we can bind their family to ours in other ways as well."

"You were always a smart one, though you never liked to show it. Your idea is perfect, I knew I had come to the right sister." she said as a smile spread across her pretty face.

I reached over and touched her hand "You can always count on me, as I do on you."

She held my hand and reached for my forehead.

"Sister, you are fevered. When is the child due?" she wanted to know.

"In close to three months' time." I assured her.

"And your belly has grown so, and you are fevered?" she asked in surprise.

She turned to the servant refilling my bowl for hand washing, "Go fetch the queens' doctor and midwife." she said as she took charge of me, ever the worried and protective sister.

"Discreetly, I do not want the king alarmed!" I added.

She curtsied and walked briskly, almost at a run to do as she was bid.

"Come, lie down. Heaven forbid something happen to you or this child. I fear he shall never recover." She said as she helped me to lie down.

The doctor and midwife came immediately. As soon as they felt my skin they sent for a cold bath to be drawn.

The doctor examined my stomach and the midwife checked me in other places.

"Majesty, does the baby move regularly?" The doctor asked as he worked.

"The child never seems to settle." Just at that time, some kicks could be felt and seen by all there.

"See what I mean? It is as if he or she is everywhere at once." I laughed.

The midwife nodded to the doctor and he walked over to see what information she had gathered. In the meanwhile, my ladies undressed me and wrapped me in my robe as to head to the bathing room. Just then the doctor and midwife came back over to me to inform me of the news. My sister was by my side as was Le.

"Your majesty. It seems this child would want to join us early. Your cervix has opened at least two centimeters." He said with some worry.

"Meaning? Asked Ivel.

"Meaning, your highness," then turning to me, "your majesty, we need you to lie abed as to keep this child in as long as you can. No walking about or dancing at court. Your chamber pot and bath, as they are only next door, are as far as is safe. The more this child is moved, the closer he comes to joining us too early." He answered with some worry on his face.

The midwife chimed in "I am not sure that there is only one child. It feels to me as there may be another."

I had to be helped to sit at such news.

"Are you sure?" I asked in disbelief

"No, majesty, I just have my suspicions. You may just be carrying this child largely. It is known to happen. You have never done, but then the father of this child is the king, so that may explain it. Also, multiple children do not seem to ever want to stay put and cause early labor and sometimes fevers to their mothers."

"Okay, that these may be twins does not leave the room. I would not have the king disappointed or more worried than he already shall be when he hears of my early confinement. Does everyone understand this?" I asked pointedly.

Everyone present gave their understanding. I sent the doctor to tell the king I was bathing and that I must stay in bed for the time being. I begged him to break it gently and with no alarm. He so promised as he bowed and left. My ladies and sister helped me into the bath as I prayed that this child would be well, and for myself.

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