Chapter 7

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The prince spent the last three days before the wedding at his home in Edentown. He stated that he was over all of the noise for the preparations for our wedding. He sent it in a private letter by his servant after he had already gone. Well, one thing I learned is that he loves to hunt to clear his head. Hopefully there will be more to learn after our wedding.

On the morning of our union. there was much to do. There were last minute decorations and bustling about by servants and those highly placed in our service. My ladies all ran into my room early in the morning and piled onto my bed with Quai in tow. She had a dress made to match mine closely, but in the blue and white colors to match the house of her father. Two eagles adorned her hem as that is the sigil of her father's house. My dress was white and accented with gold and green, the colors of my new house. Or the house that would be mine after we exchanged our vows.

We drank watered down wine to start. We did this so that we would make it down the aisle without falling. It was accompanied by a light breakfast of fruit. There would be plenty of time to indulge in foods at the feast. For now, we must look good in our gowns. And my nerves would not allow for anything too heavy.

I think I had one bite of a berry and found I could not even finish that. My anxiety was so high the doctor was called to give me a drink of herbs to calm me. It was common on such a day he assured me. The potion worked just in time. For the servants arrived to tell us it was time to be readied and head to the chapel of Green where we would be married shortly after.

My ladies and servants worked on me nonstop. My hair had been oiled washed and braided in several intricate designs two days prior. This was done so that when the braids were taken out, my curls would sit perfect and effortlessly under my crown. After the ceremony, my hair would be pinned up in the back and the curls left to hang in the front. There would be a special tiara and new dress put on me fit for dancing.

As we arrived at the church, I could feel my nerves rise again. I was helped from the carriage and my dress arranged by my ladies. As I entered the church, tears welled up as I noticed someone very dear to me standing at the front of the altar with Tony. It was Terry. He was also dressed smartly in the colors of his house with an eagle on his sleeve to match his sister. His smile was so great I had to swallow back the lump in my throat. I then looked at Tony who showed no emotion, though I knew this was his wedding present to me. I may love him yet. Or he me.

The wedding went on perfectly. The queen and king looked well pleased. The only person who looked worried was Tony. I danced with Terry and Tony danced with Quai. He then had what looked like a very important conversation with Terry at the dinner table. He showed me the proper amount of attention. Even in that, I could not tell if he was happy with our union.

After we had duck, shrimp, lobster, turkey and many desserts, danced and met with what were now our people, it was time for the bedding. I was so nervous, you would have thought I was a virgin. In many ways, I was. I had never enjoyed the consummation of my marriage. My ladies spoke of truly having a great time in intimate moments with their husbands. I had never known it.

My husband was cruel. It was painful and often over quickly. He had one goal and he thought nothing of my comfort. In that, I feared the same with Tony.

My ladies quietly readied me for my wedding night. This was odd as none of my ladies are known for holding their tongues. I knew what we were all thinking, would this be the same as my first marriage night. Before we could speak a word, he, his servants and the pastor arrived. We all curtsied to him and he bowed. I kept my head lowered and I am sure he noticed that I was shaking. In that he took the lead. He turned to all those there to witness our wedding night.

"I think her highness and I can proceed without an audience. She is a widow as I am a widower. I think we can find our way. If not, we shall send for help." All those in attendance laughed, bowed and turned to leave. Le and Nicole both held my hands tightly and gave them one last squeeze with reassuring smiles, curtsied to Tony, and then left as well.

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