Chapter 37 & 38

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Chapter 37

A little over a week later, I had a breakfast with my sisters, including De, to tell them of the news. A set of guards were sent to retrieve Arnie and bring him here. The duke had lost his head and his title and lands forfeit to the crown of my father until he decided what to do with them. They thought it to be fair.

We all went to Mopsy, with Ree, and told them both of his execution. She explained to him that his father paid the price for treason. They held each other as we watched. Though we knew this to be right, it still hurt us as well. For the next few days we allowed them visits. Though supervised, they seemed to be a comfort to each other. We also had white mourning outfits made for them. I would not be cruel and deny them that right. Even though he was dead for treason.

Alex had arrived days before and he and De had spent much time together. She had met with the midwife we spoke of shortly before he arrived for his visit during the war. I had heard nothing from her on providing an heir since that day. She seemed cheerful enough and I was glad to see it.

My sisters were now preparing to head back to their homes and greet their husbands. They had fought for our family and had all been richly rewarded. They had all received some land or titles from those lords who decided to stand with my brother in law. They had no reason to be greedy and start any wars. This reward was also to keep them loyal to us. Since now we saw how much family meant to some. My mother and father were still deciding what to do with our treacherous sister and her sons.

Tony advised them that he had a home in a remote area of one of his lands. It was not much but had comforts. It was far enough from people, but not so isolated that one would not see a neighbor ride by on their way to town. It had walls built up to keep enemies out. He offered this as a home for Mopsy. This with one hundred guards, two ladies, three servants and a jailer should be close enough to prison for her.

The jailer would monitor her letters, food and any other method by which she could plot. Her visitors would have to be approved by us in advance and they were to have no meetings without him being close. Even the ladies and servants would be working for us. Though she would not be told.

My parents seemed keen on this idea. It would keep her alive, but unable to commit any treason. I could not believe that this was the fate of one of the Davis' princesses. Our house was known for our fertility, strength and loyalty. This had certainly left a stain on that. Though our strength was tested and passed. With that, others would remember and think again before rising up.

Arness arrived looking sad and frightened with his guards. His guards were immediately stripped from his side and he given ten of our guards to replace them. As not to scare him any further, Tony and I met him in his rooms.

"Nephew." Tony said.

"Your majesties..." he replied as he bowed.

"How was your journey here? Pleasant I hope." Before he could respond I walked over to him and chimed in...

"Have you eaten? Look at you, you are a stick. I shall send for your bath to be made and your food to be brought to your rooms. How does that suit you?" I then untied his cloak and threw it on a chair and kissed his cheek and hugged him.

He seemed to relax a little when he saw that I still loved and cared for his comfort.

"It suits me well, your majesty."

"It is still aunt Tye to you Arnie."

"It suits me well, Aunt Tye." he replied.

Tony watched the exchange with a smile. The servants came in with a platter of bread, cheese, fruit and meat with a glass of watered down wine, as the children drank. He looked at the food as if he had not eaten in years. When we saw this, Tony spoke.

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