Chapter 5

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The journey took four days. We stopped at two of my lands and one of my sister's homes on the journey. I think I cried everyday. My sister, Rae, tried to comfort me. She even called me, your majesty, and showed me the respect due a queen, though I was not married yet. She had a son and two daughters with her husband, the Duke of Clayton and Viscount of Bowie. I must admit, I felt some comfort from seeing my older sister and family. It gave me some relief that maybe this wouldn't be all bad.

Though looking at my two beautiful nieces reminded me that they would soon be facing betrothals of their own. I could only pray that they would be betrothed to kind men, who loved them. I told my sister as much. She promised to do all she could, as much as any wife and mother can, as fathers arrange these unions. I can say for his grace, he is loving and kind to my sister and dotes on his girls. In that, I truly believe he would make them matches of love. Though I am sure I will never know it.

We arrived at Winston and Mesa and I was as scared as I had ever been. It finally hit me. I was to be a wife again. My son was not with me. I did not know this man, only his reputation. He seemed to be cursed in love as two wives had died. Would I be the third. Had he done something to harm them and blamed it on childbirth. The most important question was, would he love me?

These are not questions a princess can ask out loud. We are raised to know our duty. Our duties to are to marry those chosen by our fathers to cement alliances. We must please these men by providing heirs and being proper ladies in the running of the palaces. This as our husband's rule. Our family was different as my mother, the queen, insisted we be taught to rule as well. We were educated to it as she was not sure she would be able to provide my father with a son. Even after my brother, Prince Alex, was born, she continued to be sure that we were all educated in government, languages and religion. This was in case we did have to rule, either for our children, or in case our brother was to die without an heir. In that, I thank my mother.

I was greeted as a future queen would be. Though, my intended was nowhere to be found. I was told he was out hunting. Was this my first clue? Was I not important enough for his hunt to wait? His father and mother did meet me. King Douglas and Queen Marie. They seemed to fall in love with Quai and doted on her. They also assured me that they would send for Terry as soon as the wedding and coronation were complete so that we could all be a family for a short time.

I'm sure Queen Marie could see the sadness in my eyes. As the mother of two sons, one who had passed from illness, and a daughter, Princess Angola, also the duchess of Asheville now that she was married, she seemed to know my pain on being parted from my child. She was kind and I appreciated it.

I was shown to my rooms. They were huge and richly decorated, but not the queen's rooms. Of course, they were already occupied, for now.

"This is perfect Tye" said Nicole

"And the king and queen were very welcoming, were they not?" Nicole asked of me.

"Indeed, they were. Though, my intended would rather chase pheasants then meet me, what does that say of him?"

"That he is a man." Lethia said as we all laughed.

"Now, since we shall see him at dinner, let us make sure his eyes stay on you at all times, no?" Nicole said as she started to unpack my dresses. They sent the servants to draw me a bath with scented oils and lilac petals and set to work on presenting me as a future queen.

I was dressed in a silver and purple dress, the colors of my house. It snuggly hugged my curves. My ladies wore a lighter color of purple with my family's symbol of the lion sewn on their sleeves to show they were in my service. My hair had been washed, oiled and braided in intricate patterns. The back was left free to hang in my natural curl pattern down to touch the middle of my back to show the length.

This, a black woman's hair, especially for royals, is her crown of sorts. My braids were adorned with dried lilacs and pearls. I wore only a light purple rouge on my lips. It was barely noticeable. I wanted him to see me without a face full of paint so that he would know my true face, and decide if it was the one he could love.

As I and my ladies approached the dining rooms, we were announced grandly by the page.

"Her highness, the Princess Tye of Willow and Penn, Dowager Countess of Sharon and her ladies, The Vicountess of Hamilton, Lady Lethia and The Countess of South, Lady Nicole."

My other ladies were not married and so were not announced. Though, they were shown no less respect. As we walked through the doors, all eyes were on us. I could feel the stares, but we were trained for this. We entered and we moved through the crowd as if doing an intricate well-timed dance. Those in attendance gave us our due by bowing and curtsying.

In the middle of the room stood the King and Queen and my intended.

I must say, he took my breath away. His skin was the perfect shade of brown. His eyes were brown, but they seemed to dance, which made them look a lighter shade of brown when the light hit them. His hair was cut low and his crown was simple. This let me know he was not one to be too flashy. He was probably forced to wear the crown for this occasion. His mustache and neatly groomed short beard added a ruggedness to him.

I could tell his body was almost sculpted as an artist does his work, even through his clothes. I approached and curtsied with my ladies. As I stood, I saw his father nudge him and across his serious face spread a smile. His teeth were perfect. It sent a feeling through me that I had never felt before. I shook it off. Reminding myself that I did not know this man. Just because he was attractive did not mean he would love me or be kind. The king took my hand and brought me closer to the prince.

"Your highness, this is my son and heir, Anthony Ryan. We all call him Tony. Tony, your future queen, Princess Tye."

He bowed, "Your grace, it is an honor." He took my hand and led me to my seat, my ladies followed and sat near his men. They made conversation, which was more than can be said for Tony and I. He did seem a little nervous, though, one could not be sure if it were nerves or more a disinterest than anything else.

The dinner was steamed lobster, glazed duck and roast chicken. The vegetables looked amazing and the wine was definitely of high quality. After one glass I could almost feel myself relax. I was too nervous to indulge in the meal as everyone else. Which served to aid the wine in taking effect more quickly. I did eat the soup. It was a beautiful broth filled with different meats and vegetables. I took a few bites so that the wine would not overcome my empty stomach.

Without warning, Tony leaned in and asked, "Are you not hungry, your highness?"

"Please, call my Tye, and I am too nervous to eat. Though the food is quite magnificent, please do not be offended by my lack of indulgence." I asked of him.

"Of course not, I understand, and as a princess, you have probably been taught not to indulge, no matter the magnificence of the food." With that he smiled that smile again, and my stomach did that flip once more. Though I still could not figure if he was being kind for appearances sake. There was something, standoffish about him, and though he was kind, there was something else there. I longed to know what it was.

"You would know, as I am sure you saw your sister learn the same." I answered.

"Hmm, that I did." he replied. He then stood, took my hand and led me to the dance floor. We danced as everyone watched and then joined in. He held me tightly when appropriate. I even thought I felt him smell my hair and neck on occasion. When the song was over, he abruptly bowed and left me there as he left the hall with his men in tow.

I was dumbfounded. My ladies saved me and joined me on the dancefloor. We danced as if there was nothing to be seen. We spent the night meeting nobles from all over. They all seemed impressed. I was as well. I was also hesitant, who had I been sent to marry? A man that smiles one minute and turns on a dime can not be good. But, I am a good daughter. So, marry him I will. In that, I continued to enjoy my engagement feast, alone.

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