Chapters 20, 21 & 22

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Chapter 20

The contracts of marriage between Alex and De were soon concluded. Their wedding would be attended by almost our whole family. Those able to travel must do so. It would be held at the church of Florence. This being within the lands of my brother's home and his people of Pentridge. He had grown there and learned to rule those lands more than any other. Their marriage tour would take them from Florence to his home, where they would make their main royal household.

We decided it best not to take Aneesh and Zymree with us on such a journey at such a young age. My heart ached to be apart from them, but illness was always feared. I was torn to leave them. My own little heartbeats. Tony saw this and tried to comfort me. At least I have Terry and Quai to travel with me. It was of some relief to have half of my heartbeats with me.

It seemed as a family reunion to see all my sisters, brother-in-laws, nephews, nieces, cousins and other family arrive. The wedding would be a week long affair. Fountains of wine ran all night. There were performers and plays. Music and dancing were never in short supply. It was the wedding feast of any young heir and his bride. They seemed overjoyed.

There were some who did not. My sister's husband, the Duke of Greenway, walked about very haughtily. It was as if it were his affair. His conversations loud and many war stories were relived. He brought a retinue befitting a prince and raged on of his apartments. My sister, bless her, at one point told him to stop being an ass and be a credit to his rank. This was a "celebration of Alex and nothing to do with his comforts or cares." I was glad to hear her say it. Though I am sure they would have words when in their chambers that night.

My parents were overjoyed to see their only boy and heir settled, finally. They danced and enjoyed themselves as well as any other. More so, I am sure.

The wedding was beautiful. Alex in all his splendor, standing in purple and gold, awaiting his bride. Her dress was white with gold and purple flowers throughout. The lion of our house was embroidered in crystal upon her train. She was to show us all she was now a princess of house Davis and accorded all due to that title. Her mother was overcome with joy and sadness. Her daughter was married but would live away from her from now on. As a royal princess, wife and hopefully, soon enough, a mother.

The wedding feast began and there was much to celebrate. My brother-in-law, Duke of Greenway came over to pay his respects to Tony and I. He bowed and kissed my ring.

"Look at you, little Tye now a queen. I remember you as a child running a muck if I recall correctly." he said with a smile.

"You have a good memory, your grace. For you have known me a long time. In that, allow me to introduce you to my husband, his majesty, King Anthony." He took Tony's hand and kissed his ring.

"Your grace." Tony replied coolly. It was more of an artic wind, if I'm honest. I had never seen him receive anyone in such a manner.

"Your majesties are to be congratulated on the birth of two heirs. Let it be said for the women of this family, they do their job well." he said with a defiant laugh.

"Yes, I see you have two sons as well." Tony replied shortly.

"Indeed, Mopsy knew her role and did it beautifully. I am pleased with my sons. They carry themselves royally, would you not say? He asked of Tony. The question, no doubt, being a test.

"Well, they are the offspring of a royal princess, so I would expect nothing less." He replied carefully.

The Duke grimaced at the slight and then went on.

"Well, I hope my dear brother, Prince Alex, is blessed with male issue and soon. It has always been hard on the king one would suppose. Having one male heir to keep safe and his line alive." He said tauntingly.

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