Chapter 39-Conclusion

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Chapter 39

My sister was moved to our lands to begin her exile. We allowed the boys to see her off. She would receive reports on their health and progress when we decided it appropriate. We must not give her too much access to them as she may try to continue to corrupt them. We were glad that this nightmare was almost over. Everyone's lands were still recovering from the war. Tony had to see that areas were rebuilt and that the people had food and supplies. This kept him busy during the day. Though he came to me every night.

My ladies joked that they didn't know why we had separate chambers, as we could always be found together in the others' rooms. They spoke truly, but it was still known that kings and queens kept their own apartments as well. After all, if he were to ever anger me, where would I retreat to punish him with my absence? After all is that not what women do when their husbands forget to bring them flowers or jewels or some occasion? I asked them.

De and Alex had not long left for their lands at Lenard. I must say I missed them dearly. De promised to write to me and to take care of my brother. I trusted her to keep her word. I also prayed that she would soon find herself with child. I knew this would be the only thing that would truly keep her happy.

I also knew that she would look to be so since I was now, again, with child. The princes were barely one and I was carrying their little brother or sister. I had not yet told the king. Nicole was now back in my service after leaving her childbed. Her daughter and Le's son joined the princes in the nursery. No doubt we would probably marry Zymree to Le's daughter. She was already a rich and beautiful countess at only six months of age. The same with Nicole's son if we had a princess.

We were also considering him for Quai if I only had boys. She would be three years older, but that would not matter when they were of age. Of course, with Aneesh, who would follow Tony to the throne, we may need to make an alliance with another country. In that we would not promise him to anyone just yet. He would most likely be betrothed to a princess who brought land, armies and more with her as was the way with future kings.

Just as things were settling down, I received a letter from Alex. This was not usually his way. I prayed there was no war coming that would put him and Tony in danger again. I opened the letter and said a little prayer before reading.

As I read, a smile spread across my face. He was writing to tell me that he was to be a father. De was with child. The doctor had confirmed it and she was already starting to show, as her frame was little. He was the happiest he had ever been. She announced it to him right before his 18th birthday feast. I could not wait to tell Tony the news. I decided to tell him when we took dinner together.

Later that evening, as we sat and ate, I could not keep myself from smiling. He noticed and decided he could not continue to pretend not to see.

"My lady, what is it that has you so happy? Are you plotting something?"

"Oh, it is nothing. Just that our children will have more cousins to play with."

"Really? Who is with child?" He asked.

"Your cousin, her grace, seems to be presenting my brother with an heir."

He smiled widely, clapped his hands together and sat back in his chair.

"That is great news indeed. I knew her fears were for naught. Your father and mother must be overjoyed. I hope it is a boy!" he shouted.

"You men always do. Though if it is a girl, we shall see to her as well. She will learn what girls do as well as how to rule." I added as I rolled my eyes.

"I've angered you? It was not my intent. If it is a girl with half the head for politics as you, he shall have all the heir he needs in her. Whatever the child is, we would have it healthy." He offered sincerely.

"My thoughts exactly. Now, I must ask you for a favor."


"Write down a list of names for boys and girls. Names are an important decision, as you well know." I told him.

"Are we to name their child? Surely that is an honor that the prince would take on himself as a new father." He protested.

"Indeed, he will. I would never seek to take that honor from him. These names are for the child in my belly. I know how hard it was for you to name the twins. I thought you would want to start a list now. Then maybe you won't need your queen's help as you did with Aneesh and Zymree." I said with a teasing smile spread across my face.

He sat his wine down and looked up at me with surprise and joy.

"Do not tease me Tye. You know I long to fill this castle with children."

"You have made your longings clear. And God seems to have an ear for you because I am again with child. You shall meet your child in less than six months' time the midwife says."

He stood and came over to me and lifted me from my chair and the floor swinging me around with joy.

"Careful, your majesty." I said with a huge smile on my face. Happy that he was pleased with me.

He put me down and kissed me.

"Are you truly happy?" I asked, my arms still around his neck and looking into his eyes.

"You have made me the happiest king. Everything you have touched here has multiplied. This includes my love. I am glad I picked your portrait that day my father told me I needed to wed again." He said lovingly.

"And I am glad I came here to wed you. For my life has been bliss with you ever since. Which is not bad, for one who came to you, a very reluctant queen."

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Also available on Amazon is my Contemporary Series, 'If He Loved You'. As well as my standalone novellas, 'Men Love Too', 'In Love We Trust' and much more!! Black Historical fiction line also available with Regina, The Queen's Plan. The Lost Prince 1&2 are soon to come.

FB: Author Asetah Dula

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Instagram: DreamWakeWorkPublishing

Twitter: @PsychT16

PenName: Aseera

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