Chapters 3 & 4

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I was announced to my father by his page and as I walked in, he stood and rushed over to hug and kiss me. He guided me over to the fireplace and had me sit.

"Baby girl, I have missed your sweet face." he said. He only called me baby girl when we were alone as not to offend my other sisters. My four older sisters came in such rapid succession, they were none given the nickname. After eight years of prayers for a son, I came. Though, I was no boy, I was the baby girl. My brother came nearly three years later and then came our youngest and last sister. Now, the king had his heir and six daughters to cement his kingdom. With all of his married daughters having given birth to at least one son, now he felt secure.

"I have missed you too daddy." another term I only used when we were alone. It was father or your majesty while at court. Formality and respect are key to royalty.

"I will not beat about the bush, I know you want to know why I have called you here."

"I have been curious." I confessed.

"You have been a widow for over a year now. Though I know how much you love the country life, I have other plans for you." he told me.

I sat in silence as he went on.

"I think that you will be happy with it, At least I pray you will. You are to be married." He finally blurted out.

"Daddy, no." I answered in almost whispered.

"Baby Girl, you have not let me finish, you will be a queen. A higher rank then even your eldest sister, Mopsy." He added. Trying to persuade me. Almost as if he didn't know me.

"Father, you know rank is not important to me. Only my children and our happiness."

"You don't think I care for your happiness, I do. Though it may seem otherwise. I thought you would be happy with The Earl. It was not until after his death that I learned he was unkind to you. I suppose I think I owe you this match for making such a poor one." He said, kissing my hand.

"It was not your fault father. How could you know? There are kings that care not if their daughters are beaten daily, as long as they have their due. I know that is not you. You have always been fair. But, why am I to be married again? Why not my sister? She is young and unmarried. And we have all proved to be fertile, she should be no different."

"This prince will soon be given his crown as his father is ill and has chosen it be passed to him now. However, as a young prince, he was married twice. Both his wives died in childbirth, and the children as well. He would have a wife who is no maid and proven in the childbed." He explained.

I stood and walked over to the window to look out and think on his words.

"The only prince I know who has had that hardship is the Prince of Winston. Surely you do not mean to marry me to him?"

"That is exactly the soon to be king that I speak of. His coronation is in less than a fortnight and he has picked your portrait from many others. There were many who placed their daughters, princesses, duchesses and all manner of wealthy commoners in a race for his hand. Of all of them, he chose you. That says a lot of your beauty and reputation."

"Father!!, he is known as The Anthraxx as he is poison to his enemies." I reminded him.

"A name he earned in battle, he is a great soldier. I was known as Biz in my war days, as I gave the business end of my sword to any who would come against me." he recounted with a smirk.

"He is also at least 30, father. What would we have in common? I asked of him.

"Have in common?" he laughed "A kingdom, and heirs."

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