Chapter 8 & 9

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This time when I awoke, Lethia, Nicole and my other ladies were there to greet me. He had gone to bathe. He kissed me before he left and I barely woke enough to notice. I was tired and wanted everyone to go away so that I could replay that night again and again in my mind.

"Your grace, your bath is ready. The prince insists you take it now while it is hot. He says it will be better for your pain." Stated Landa.

It's funny how that works, as soon as she mentioned pain, I felt the soreness between my legs. It was even in my thighs and hips as he had made good use of my flexibility all night. I winced as I got up out of the bed and my ladies wrapped my robe about me. I walked as if someone who had rode their horse hard and fast for days. They helped me into my very own bathing room and down into the hot water.

It was very hot, but it felt good. I just let my ladies wash me and my hair as I laid my head back against the tub and closed my eyes. Nicole and Le looked at me, waiting for details. I didn't want to share them just yet. I wanted to keep that memory for myself, just a little longer. I saw them exchanging glances and smirks. They knew me well enough to know that I had been satisfied and would speak when I was ready.

A servant came in and handed a note to my lady. She read it and handed it back with a nod.

"His highness will be to visit you shortly, if you would have him." It read.

"I will always have him." I stood to step out from the water, which was turning cool now anyway. The heat and salt had helped to abate some of the soreness. I was thankful he had thought of it. I was able to walk better now and it would not be so obvious to the court what the night held for us. Though there was no doubt they knew already.

Soon after my ladies had put me in a gown and gathered my hair into two long braids adorned with a tiara made of green and gold flowers, Tony was announced. As he walked in, we all curtsied. He came over, stood me up and kissed me as he did that night before, as if no one were watching. My ladies smiled and Le almost swooned.

He then waved his hand to send the servants and my ladies away. "I would speak to my wife alone, we will have supper here, together." Everyone obeyed.

"How are you feeling, my lady?"

"Tired, as if I had been up all night, said with a sly smirk, and sore, but satisfied" I responded.

"I hope the bath I ordered helped."

"It did, thank you."

"I thought we would talk of the coronation. It is to be next week. We shall leave to travel to Charla for the ceremony in three days' time."

"So soon?"

"Yes, my father is sicker than he appears. He wants to hand over the kingdoms while his mind is still with him.

"His mind?" I questioned, taken aback.

"It started a year past. He would forget small things. Now he forgets more. His body is also worn from war. His knees can barely hold him. He wants our lands to see a strong king. He wants to be remembered as one. He and my mother will retire to their southern houses and we will rule. How does that suit you?" he posed to me.

"Your father. I am, so sorry to hear it, your grace. I would not be able to bear my father living in such a way. Not to remember must be agony. Is there anything to be done?" I wanted to know.

"I ask you how you would like to rule as a queen, and your heart cries out for my father, a king you barely know? Can you truly be so?"

"Be so? Have I offended you? I am sorry."

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