Chapters 29, 30 & 31

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Chapter 29

There was a feast after the ennobling of Terry and Quai. We danced and ate and enjoyed the family that was here. After, Tony came to my rooms again to spend the night. It would be our last night together until he returned. He had spent most of the day in the nurseries with the babies and also playing with Terry and Quai. He also showed them how they were to perform in the ceremony. I adored the way he loved them.

The morning came too fast. He rose early and left to his rooms to prepare. I looked out the window and saw his army, thousands of men on horse and on foot, awaiting his command. I met him outside, as did the others in the castle, as one does when a king goes to war. The babes were also brought outside to say farewell to their father. I could not hold back my tears as he bowed to Terry and Quai.

"Your grace, my lady." he addressed them, and kissed Quai's hand.

He then stopped in front of me and dried my tears.

"Do not fear, my love. I shall return to you. I promise.

I nodded but could not speak. He kissed me on my forehead, my cheeks and then on my lips. He turned quickly as tears had welled up in his and mounted his horse. He rode a great black stallion named Sky. He turned his horse to me, nodded, waved to all that gathered, and then left to lead his army. I was totally drained and returned to my chambers to cry and rest.

I awoke to Joy and Landa standing over me with looks of intrigue. I sat up and asked immediately, "What is it? What has happened?"

Joy spoke first.

"Your majesty, we have found your sister."

"My sister?"

"The duchess, Tye. She is at a nobleman's house, one loyal to the Duke. She is not even far from here. Ree is with her. Arness is hidden somewhere else. We have not found him yet."

I jumped up, still sore and tired from my husband's two nights of farewell, but no time to dwell on the pain.

"How do you know this?"

"Remember my lady, we made friends with your sister's ladies. I just received a letter from Ashton, one of her servants. She is very tired of the old nobleman's advances to her and would rather be here at this court. Apparently, the young men are plentiful here and she enjoyed herself a great deal when last they did visit." Landa said with a smirk.

"Which nobleman is this?" I asked as I sat down to my desk with a pen in hand, ready to order her before me.

"The Vicount of Mitchell." Joy interceded.

"I know him well, I said. He has been here countless times. He sent gifts to our children. He is surely on the side of the Duke and will answer for it." I said as I wrote.

I sent for the Lieutenant of the guards that Tony left to protect us. He left over a thousand in case the war came here. He took no chances with his family. He arrived within with all haste.

"Lieutenant, I need twenty of your fastest and bravest men to retrieve the Vicount of Mitchell and my sister and nephew from his home."

"Yes majesty." He replied.

"This mission is to be done under the cloak of secrecy. They do not know we know where they are. I don't care if you must drag my sister here. Bring her before me. Do you understand? Can I trust your discretion?" I asked without fear, as if I had ordered these types of missions all my days.

"Yes majesty, you can count on us. His majesty has told us we are beholden to you and the children. Whatever you command shall be done." He added.

"Collect your men and send them. Keep me updated of your progress."

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