1- Rain

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Rain. The weather outside of your window mirrored how you felt on the inside. Grey. It wasn't that you didn't want to move towns, You didn't have a choice. But now you knew no one, You don't know where you were, how to get anywhere or who you can trust.

Since the move all you have wanted to do was cry. You had already lived here in Beacon Hill for a month now.  Melissa and Scott were amazing, don't get me wrong. You are so grateful for Melissa taking you in and them both appreciating your boundaries and everything that has been going on but you hadn't been able to leave the house yet and today was the first time you were going to meet someone other than Scott and Stiles, it was time for you to start going to school again.

You got dressed in some dark blue jeans, a burgundy jumper and had some brown leather boots on. You brushed your hair and pulled it up into a messy ponytail, strands fell down either side of your face. You went into the bathroom and brushed your teeth before applying your make up. You didn't like wearing make up but it became an obsession, it was necessary to cover the bruises that stained your face. You felt that without it You were revealing the secret.

"Rachel, are you in there?" You heard Scott's voice from the other side of the door followed by a light knock. You washed your hands and then opened the door. "Uh yeah, sorry I am finished now." You gave him a soft smile and stepped out. "Thanks, you look nice today." He smiled as he stepped in. You made your way downstairs where Melissa was in the kitchen in her Scrubs. "Morning" You smiled to her as you came in the kitchen. "Good Morning, you look lovely. How are you feeling?" She asked you as she handed you a plate of pancakes before setting down a plate for Scott. "Honestly I am freaking out. I hate being the centre of attention and no doubt the new girl will draw the attention of most the year group. And I still don't know if I am ready to go out yet." You confessed quietly and you heard Scott come in the room and take a seat. "It is ok to be nervous, but you have Scott and Stiles so it's not like you won't know anyone! I have faith in you, I know you are ready. I promise nothing bad is going to happen and if I does you can call one of us." Melissa assured you as she drank her coffee. "Don't worry about it Rachel, I will be there if anything happens." Scott smiled giving you a side hug across the chairs.

The drive to school seemed to be the quickest journey of your life. Stiles came and picked You and Scott up as it was your first day and Scott only had his motorcycle. As the three of you entered the building Scott took you straight to the office to get your time table. "Awesome we are together for most subjects apart from Science which you are with my friend Issac for." Scott beamed at you.

It was not long before Scott had introduced you to his friends Lydia, Issac, Kyra and Malia. They seemed really nice but you still struggled feeling comfortable so you kept quiet.

The day went by painfully slowly but you became quite good friends with Issac during Science where he would just crack jokes to try and make you smile. At lunch you stayed with Scott and his friends and you were trying your best to chat but you didn't want to let the secret slip.

"Hello? Earth to Rachel?" Stiles nearly yelled waving his hand in your face. You snapped back into reality where everyone was looking at you. "Sorry I zoned out!" You apologise embarrassed. "I said are you ready to head home?" Scott asked you smiling. You nodded relieved that you could run back and hide in the comfort of your new bedroom.

You spent a while in your room processing the day. Maybe this place won't be so bad. Maybe.

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