3- Secrets

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A/N- I am changing the style of writing as I am finding the previous style to difficult as it is not how I would usually write.

~7 months later~
I stood looking out the huge window in Derek's loft. The storm was raging outside and the rain was hammering on the window. I always hated the storm, the roar of thunder and the strong winds used to cause me so much anxiety reminding me of horrible memories. I wrapped my arms around myself as I looked out in worry. "Hey, it's ok. You are safe." Derek spoke softly as he came up behind me and gently placed his hands on my hips as he looked out at the weather. I turned to look up at him and I reached up to place a hand on his cheek. "Can I tell you something. It's something you probably don't want to hear" I asked quietly as he looked down at me. "You can tell me anything." He smiled placing a light kiss on my lips. "It's about my ex, I think I am ready to tell you now." I explained quietly. Derek's face turned into a frown and he led me to the couch to sit down. "You don't have to do this if you are not ready." He told me as he held me close to him. "No, I think I am ready for you to know. But only you." I said quickly. "I promise" he kissed the top of my head. "The relationship started out good. It was my first relationship and I thought I was in love." I began and I felt Derek tense up. It was the idea of me loving someone else which made him angry. "But I know I wasn't in love, because I know what love is now I have you." I added on and he softened. "He got angry one time and hit me. He told me he didn't mean to but I didn't believe him so I broke up with him. He wouldn't leave me alone, constantly calling me and turning up at my house. It got too much so I told him I never wanted to see or hear from him again and he went crazy. When I got home from school it was in the middle of the storm so I was really anxious. I ran inside and the power was out due to the weather. I was the only one home so I went to the kitchen to try and find the torches under the sink but when I walked in he was there, he had taken the spare key from the garden and let himself in. He went crazy and started screaming at me as he punched and hit me. He hit me round the head with anything he could find and he took a knife and tried to stab me but the front door opened and he ran out the back. My Dad found me on the floor beaten and bleeding out and he rushed me to the hospital. He got into a car accident because of the storm on his way home to gather some things for me. A tree fell on his car and killed him instantly. Because of the attack the hospital moved me to Beacon Hills to be far away from him and that is when Melissa said she would take me in." I explained shaking hysterically. Derek felt really tense and was clenching his jaw. "I am so sorry. I felt that you should know I didn't mean to anger you." I apologised closing my eyes. "I am glad you told me." Derek replied and pressed a kiss to the top of my head but he stayed there. "The last thing he said to me was that we were not finished and that he would find me again." I finished up holding onto Derek's arm. "You are incredible. You survived and you escaped. He will never come near you again. He will never hurt you again because if we ever see him, I will kill him. I promise you Rachel that I will never let anyone hurt you like that again." He told me softly and I kissed him. The kiss deepened and I turned so I was closer to him. "Derek, I'm ready, I want to." I whispered to him in between kisses. "Are you sure?" He asked me looking me in the eyes and I knew he would be listening to my heart beat to see if I was lying. "I am sure" I agreed and he picked me up and carried me upstairs.

We entered the master bedroom and he placed me gently on the bed. Our kisses continued and I kicked off my shoes. I pulled at his top and pulled it over his head to reveal his abs and I nearly died. He removed my top and then gently pulled down my jeans. He placed kisses down my jawline, along my neck and all the way down to my stomach. I undid his jeans and he kicked them off before climbing on the bed with me. He moved his kisses back up to my mouth and he was being really gentle with me. We removed my bra and then both our underwear. "Are you sure you want this?" He asked me in my ear as he kissed just underneath me earlobe. "Yes" I moaned and he gently eased himself in. I grabbed onto his back at first because it hurt and he kissed me and took it slow. I loosened my grip as it became less painful and more pleasurable. I never knew it would feel this good.

Once we were finished Derek kissed me again before laying down beside me. I moved over so my head on on his chest and he put his arm around me. "I can't believe I waited 7 months, what was I thinking." I giggled and I felt his chest rise as he chuckled. A kiss was placed on my head again and he stroked my back. "I am glad you enjoyed yourself, you certainly sounded like you did." He chuckled and I looked up at him blushing. "I did, did you?" I asked him. He kissed my lips. "I definitely did" he grinned at me which caused me to giggle. "I love you" I said as I looked at his face. "I love you" He smiled at me. Another loud crash of thunder overtook the room which made me jump to an upright position and I looked out the bedroom window in fear. He placed a hand on my back and kissed my shoulder. "It's just a storm" he tried to assure me. "Are the doors locked?" I asked him as I got worried. "Yes, you are ok baby" he tried to soothe me. The lights from the hallway turned off suddenly. Which made me freeze. "It will just be the storm has cut the power." He told me and reached over to turn the lamp on but it didn't light up. I couldn't take my eyes off the bedroom door. What if he was here. "I need to check the doors are locked" I said moving slightly. I couldn't see my top but I saw Derek's from when I dropped it right by the bed so I pulled it on. "Rach, it's ok princess I promise, we can go down and check though if it will make you feel better." He told me as he got up and pulled his boxers and jeans back on. He walked to the door and I clungb onto his arm. I was a shivering wreck as I looked all around us as we made our way down the stairs. We went to the front door and he pulled on it hard but it wouldn't move. The light from the security system was still on so it was still working and we then tried the balcony door but that was also very locked. We then walked round the whole downstairs before checking every room upstairs and going back to bed. "See, it was just the storm." He smiled calmly at me as he shut the bedroom door behind us. "I feel so stupid" I hid my face in my hands as I climbed back into bed. He took off his jeans again and climbed back into bed. "Your not stupid." I told me as he held my hand and kissed it. I smiled thinking back to what had actually happened this evening. I leant down and kissed him. "Thank you for tonight, it was amazing." I grinned before laying down next to him again. He just chuckled and pulled me close to him kissing my hair before we fell asleep.

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