4- Watching

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I woke up the next morning to find that I was alone in Derek's bed. Confused, I got myself ready for the day and made my way downstairs. That's when I saw him working out with his shirt off. My heart jumped out of my body and I nearly died right on the spot. "Morning" he said suddenly even though his back was to me. Damn it his werewolf hearing meant he probably heard my heart nearly give out when I saw him. "G-Uh good morning" I replied stuttering embarrassed as I finished coming down the stairs and went over to grab an apple out the fridge for breakfast trying to act like I hadn't just been caught ogling my boyfriend shirtless. "How did you sleep?" He asked as he walked towards me with a smirk on his face. "I didn't get much I was preoccupied with other stuff, but what I did get was great." I smiled mischievously back as he stood right in front of me and held me waist. "Good, I like having you here with me over night. I like knowing you are safe." He said kissing my neck softly. I finished the apple and chucked the core in the bin before picking my phone up off of the side. "And I love being here with you but I do need to go to school at some point." I giggled kissing him back. "Alright well let me take you, I've got some things to do anyway." He told me. "Ok but only if you put a shirt on! I don't need all the girls at school drooling over you!" I remarked slapping his chest. He winked and ran upstairs to grab a top and I picked up my bag and his keys before opening the big rustic door ready to leave.

The drive to school was a nice quiet time and we just enjoyed each other's company. I tried not to ask what he was doing because I would only get worried and if it was important he would tell me. As we pulled up into the school I saw Scott and Stiles about to make their way in when they saw Derek's car and waited. I turned to my sexy boyfriend and gave him a kiss. "I will see you later" I smiled to him as I grabbed the door handle. He held my face and gave me another kiss "stay safe" he told me and I got out the car before going over to Scott and Stiles. I stay at Derek's occasionally especially last night because it was not safe to drive home in the storm. Melissa knew about the mate thing so was ok with it. Once I got to the others Derek drove off. "Hi!" I smiled at them both as we all head into the building. "Hi, you are looking oddly happy." Stiles said questioningly as I opened the door and made my way to my locker. "Yeah normally after a storm you are really quiet." Scott agreed. Lydia was at her locker next to mine so she smiled as she saw me and Malia joined us. "I am just feeling happy today, do you want me to be sad and quiet?" I questioned the boys as I opened my locker. "What's going on?" Malia asked confused and Issac joined us. "We were just saying, after a big storm Rachel is normally really quiet and upset" Stiles remarked. "And today she seems the happiest she has been in a while!" Scott agreed. I looked over to Lydia for support and she looked me in the eyes and then smiled. "Oh my god" she said and covered her mouth. "What?" Malia asked again. My eyes widened as I realised Lydia knew why I was so happy. "You totally did, didn't you!" She gasped at me. "Lydia!" I blushed embarrassed. "Did what? Am I missing a signal here?" Stiles interrupted. "That will explain why you are so happy! You and Derek?! Oh my god!" She let out a happy laugh and hugged me. "Oh" Issac said realising. Scott looked confused for a minute and Stiles suddenly clicked. "Oh come on! That's not fair you lost it before me? I have lived here my whole life! That's it, some one needs to sex me right now!" Stiles said jokingly annoyed. I was so embarrassed. "Oh my god" Scott said suddenly realising what was going on. "Why would you want to!" Malia scrunched up her nose in disgust. "Ok good talk" I blushed before shutting my locker and dragging Lydia to English class where Miss Blake was covering.

The day seemed to drag by and Miss Blake told me to come back to see her at the end of the day about some work I handed in. So at the end of a painfully awkward and embarrassing day I made my way back to class alone. It was already dark and everyone was outside watching the lacrosse game. With all the murders going on recently I promised I wouldn't walk home alone so I had to wait for Scott anyway. I knocked on the door and walked into the class room. When I stepped in I heard the door slam shut behind me and then something hit the back of my head and blackness followed.

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