6- Sister

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Derek had just found out that his sister Cora was alive. He had called Peter who was at the hospital with her and he knew he needed to get to her and get Jennifer to give them the cure. I had told him to go with Miss Blake and I was going to stay in the loft alone so he didn't have to worry about me.

As things planned out, I decided I needed to leave for a little bit. I grabbed my keys and got straight into my car. I drove to the McCall house and went to speak to Melissa. When I got there the house was empty and I realised she must have been at work. I went up into my bedroom and picked up a hoodie so that I could hide the burn on my neck. I wanted to give Derek some space at the loft, he has just found out that his sister is alive and the only one that could save her also just tried to kill his mate. I decided that getting in the shower might ease the pain on my neck. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower before grabbing my dressing gown and hanging it up on the back of the door and locking it. I got undressed and caught my reflection in the mirror, the my neck looked like it had an open wound slashed across it. I grabbed a wipe and washed my make up off before climbing into the shower. I stepped under the hot water and it burned on my neck I let out a cry of pain but then held my arm against my mouth the muffle it. I clenched my teeth together as I washed my hair out and scrubbed my body clean. Once I was done I turned the water off and got out wrapping myself in a towel. I was suddenly feeling very tired I towel dried my hair and then pulled my robe on. My neck was still burning so I took some paracetamol and went back into my room. I pulled on some pj shorts and a tank top and I brushed my hair through before spraying deodorant and shutting my bedroom door. I pulled my curtains closed and crawled into my bed gently closing my eyes. The pain killers must have had a bit of relief, that or I tired myself out as I managed to fall asleep.

I woke up to my phone ringing loudly from my coat pocket hanging on my chair. I got up quickly and went over to answer it. "Hello?" I said not even getting the chance to see who it was. "Rachel! are you Ok? Where are you?"?Derek asked sounding stressed. "I am ok, I am at the McCall's I thought you could all do with the space in the Loft now you have Cora back. I was just getting some rest." I explained as I walked back over to sit on the bed. "You didn't need to go anywhere. This is your home too, you are my family. Are you safe? Do you want me to come and get you?" He asked me sounded less stressed. "It's ok, I am safe here, you take care of Cora and I can come back over once everything has settled." I suggested. "Ok but don't be too long, I want you to meet her." He replied and I smiled before hanging up the phone.

Later that evening when I drove round to the loft I walked in the rustic door to see a beautiful woman stood there looking at me. "You must be the mate" she said as she smirked at me. She was so beautiful compared to me, she was wearing work out clothes, she was tall and skinny and had flawless skin and here I was in a hoodie that would cover my neck and a pair of black jeans with my hair in a messy pony tail, standing at 5'1 if I stretched with a scar brandishing my neck. I didn't know what to say but I assumed this was Cora Hale. "Hi I'm Rachel" I smiled shyly as I walked in further. Derek came down the stairs and over to me, he held my face and gave me a kiss. "Are you Ok?" He asked me being careful not to touch my neck. "Yeah" I nodded in response. "Rachel this is my sister Cora" Derek introduced as we walked closer. "Well you are shorter than I imagined and your sense of style is something to be desired but if you took that hoodie off you would be really pretty." She smirked at me. I just pulled the hoodie tighter around my neck feeling self conscious of the scar. "Cora, I told you what happened." Derek scolded. "I know all I am saying is that it's nothing to be ashamed of, you don't have to hide it." She smiled at me coming forward to give me a hug. "It's going to be nice having a sister again!" She told me as we pulled apart. I laughed and smiled back at her. "Yeah me too" I agreed and Derek gave me a side hug before giving us some space. Turns out us Hale women got on quite well.

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