15- News

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It had been four months since I was discharged from the hospital. I was feeling the strongest I had ever felt and Beacon Hills seemed to be just like a normal town, well as normal as it will ever be. Derek had changed too, it seems that the scare of him nearly losing me really put his life into perspective for him. Instead of trying to be this stone cold, hard and strong alpha, he had been trying to help train Scott up to be ready to take over as Alpha of the pack. 

Stiles and Ryan ended up moving across the country to DC to go to college together and everyone in Beacon Hills was starting to go their own ways. Lydia had gone off to college as well and Scott had gotten a job at the High School as Assitant Coach so that he could stay in Beacon Hills for his pack. I still visited Melissa and Scott nearly every day as they were my family but life in Beacon Hills was just not the same anymore.


I got out of the car at the Doctor's surgery for my monthly check up to see how well I was healing from my injuries, Derek walked around to my side of the car and took hold of my hand as we walked in. He had not missed a single one of my appointments and insisted on coming to them all as 'nothing is more important' than my health apparently. "Mr and Mrs Hale, it's good to see you again. Please take a seat, Dr Benson will be ready in a few minutes." The receptionist smiled as she saw us enter the room. "Thank you." I smiled back and went through to the waiting area. "I can't wait for Dr Benson to tell you that I am better and perfectly capable of doing everything for myself!" I whispered to my husband as we waited. "Yeah well if she does then we can talk about it until then I am going to keep looking after my wife!" He replied in my ear as he placed a kiss on my hair. A beep sounded and I looked up to the screen to see that it was my turn to go in. "Room 2, let's go so you will let me leave the house alone!" I laughed as I stood up and walked off, Derek was hot on my tail the whole way. 

I knocked on the door and waited patiently to be called in by the Doctor. "Rachel, you are looking well. It's good to see you again Mr Hale." Dr Benson greeted us and Derek closed the door once we were inside. "Thank you, Doctor, I am feeling much stronger now." I smiled happily. "Well, let's get you checked out so you can get out of here and enjoy feeling better. Do you want to hop up on the bed for me and lift your top?" She asked and I handed Derek my coat before climbing up and rolling up the top just enough so that she could see the scars on my stomach from the previous wounds. "They have healed really well and I am very happy with it. Have you been unwell or experiencing any pain?" She questioned me as she felt my abdomen. "No, everything has been fine. Not that my husband will let me do anything to hurt myself anyway." I laughed rolling my eyes but Derek just glared at me clearly not finding it funny. "I
 am sure he just wants to make sure you do not cause any more damage whilst you are healing." Dr Benson reasoned "Exactly" Derek agreed and noticeably relaxed. "Ok well if you could just fill this for me, we will run the usual tests quickly and then you should be good to go." She asked handing me the pee tube. I took the tube and went to the bathroom before returning with it full. "So assuming the tests are all clear and I healed?" I questioned handing her the tube. "Well the tests are just looking for infections but I am very happy with how you have been healing. I still wouldn't go running any marathons but day to day life, you should be more than capable. I will just go test these quickly and I will be back." She informed us leaving the room. I immediately turned to my husband with a huge grin on my face. "You know what that means? I was right! I am perfectly fine to carry on with day to day life so you don't have to worry about me anymore!" I grinned excitedly as I hugged him. "I am always going to worry about you, you are crazy!" He chuckled kissing me. 

"Mr and Mrs Hale, I have good and bad news. You do not have any infections but Mrs Hale you are going to have to take it easy for a while, you are pregnant." 


The car journey home was silent. I was pregnant. Me. I was carrying Derek's baby, we were going to be parents. I was so happy but Derek hadn't said a word to me since we found out. We went up to the loft and I had enough. "Derek say something. I know this is a shock and you are scared, I am a bit scared too but I know that you are going to be the most amazing father and we are going to raise a beautiful family together!" I sighed dropping my bag on the floor. "I love you more than anything. I don't want to mess up a child's life because my father was not in mine but if you think we can do this then I am with you 100% of the way." He told me looking me dead in the eyes. "So we are having a baby? We are going to have a family?" I asked welling up. "We are having a baby" he smiled coming over and kissing me before hugging me tightly and carrying me upstairs.

Hi Everyone,

I am so sorry I haven't updated in so long, University work got really hectic with exams and essay deadlines all at once. I was too stressed and tired to come up with any new ideas.

I know this chapter is really short and might not be that great but I am trying to get back into writing again now that I have finished University for the Summer. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for sticking with me!

-M x

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