13- Attack

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After dropping Rachel off at the McCall's house I felt relieved that she was finally ready to leave the Loft. I had been so worried about her being kept up in there all that time without seeing anyone. If I could I would spend every second of the day with her but I needed to meet up with Chris and the Sherrif and find out what is going on in Beacon Hills if there was any chance it could hurt Rachel then I needed to stop it.

We had been out scouring the preserve all day and it was when we got back to the sheriff station that I felt a slight pain in my chest. It had to be something to do with Rachel. Whilst Chris and Noah were talking over our next plan I tried to call Rachel but her phone didn't ring because she was already talking to someone. I didn't know what the pain was as I had never felt anything like it before and it didnt't feel substantial enough to be an injury. "Ok Derek, we are going to cover the school grounds next, Deputy Parish is there at the moment so he will join us," Noah informed me. "Ok-" I began but I stopped suddenly when I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen followed by several punches all over. Something was happening to Rachel. "Sheriff, a young female has been attacked at the school on the lacrosse field, an ambulance has been called but you might want to be here for this!" I heard Parish say over the radio. "It's Rachel" I growled realising what must have happened. I needed to get there now. "Derek! We will take my car!" Noah yelled to me as we ran out and he drove with the blue lights on to the school quickly.

When I got there Rachel was being carried into the ambulance, she looked in a really bad condition and was unconscious. I noticed Ryan knelt on the floor but I didn't have time for him. I went to get in the ambulance with her when Noah stopped me. "Derek, your emotions are going to be out of control right now, if they say the wrong thing you might flip, come with me and we will get there the same time," he told me and I knew he was right.

Time seemed to be going by so slowly, Rachel was not waking up and I refused to leave her side. Since she got out of the operating theatre her condition did not change. I constantly spoke to her but I could feel how much pain she was in. I held her arm and took as much pain as I could without killing myself. Scott had come in to check on Rachel and proceeded to give me a lecture on my limits. Even if it did kill me I wouldn't care if it eased her pain.

The days seemed to take forever and every time someone wanted to come and talk to my wife it infuriated me. She is weak and vulnerable and they all want to have a gawp at her! I had to remind myself that Rachel would have wanted to see them so I tried my best to keep quiet. I couldn't even begin to comprehend the idea that she might not make it. If she did not wake up then my whole life would be over. I only live for her, she is my heart and if she leaves me I will follow her into death.

I went to use the toilet and Stiles had come back to speak to Rachel. As I was coming back towards her room Stiles ran and opened the door. "Melissa! I think she is waking up!" He yelled and I nearly ran into the room. I went straight over to her body and looked for any sign of her waking up. The beating of the heart monitor had picked up. "Something is wrong" Melissa frowned and rushed to get a doctor. "What is going on?" I demanded as I clung onto my mate. "There is nothing we can do now it is down to her." Melissa informed me and everyone left the room so that it was just me and my mate.

I held on to Rachel and begged her to come back to me. I couldn't lose her. "Come on Rachel, PLEASE!" I shouted begging her to come back to me. But then the beeping stopped altogether. Her heart had stopped. "No! Rachel come back to me!" I tried to relieve the pain again but I was not getting anything. She can't be dead. She can't be! "RACHEL, wake up!" I yelled kissing her lips and holding her tight. I could feel everyone watching me from outside the room and I could see them all looking distraught.

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