8- Ring

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I woke up feeling something on my finger. I glanced down and saw that it was MY engagement ring. A huge smile came onto my face as I remembered what had happened last night the engagement and the celebration which came after. I turned over slightly and saw that Derek was still sleeping. I got up and rushed into the en suite to brush my teeth and I did a little happy dance out of excitement. I ran back over to the bed and crawled back in. 

Derek was still asleep I just laid there, holding my hand up in the air examining the ring on my finger. "You like it then?" I heard from beside me and I glanced over and saw Derek smiling at me. "I love it, almost as much as I love you!" I grinned as I climbed onto him and just hugged him. I could feel his chest vibrating as he chuckled. "I'm glad!" he kissed the top of my head and we spent a while just hugging in bed.

When I finally did get up it was to go and see Lydia. I got myself dressed and I noticed the slight mark still visible from the attack from Jennifer Blake. I applied makeup to cover it up and then bounced downstairs where I found Derek leaning on the kitchen side. "I am just going to meet up with Scott at the preserve, do you want to come with us?" Derek offered me as he grabbed me a bottle of orange juice out of the fridge and handed it to me. "Actually I told Lydia I would meet up with her for a bit today maybe go and do some shopping for our holiday?" I smiled cheekily. "Oh, I see, ok then. Here, get whatever you need!" He smiled and handed me one of his cards. I grinned and kissed his cheek before grabbing my keys and running to the door. "Forgetting something?" he asked and I turned round to see him holding my phone. I went back and picked it up seeing that Ryan had text me. "Sounds like Ryan's date went well last night!" I laughed scrolling through my texts from the night before as I waved goodbye and headed out for the car.

Once I got to Lydia's she was already dressed and fully ready to go. I briefly mentioned shopping when I was on the phone to her whilst on my way to her's and she was not going to let us do anything else. "Hi Lydia!" I smiled as I got out of my car and walked towards her. "Rachel! I am so glad that you suggested shopping! With everything going on at the moment I am in some dire need of some retail therapy!" She exclaimed nearly dragging me into the car. I couldn't lie, I needed some girl time too since Cora and Issac left I haven't been able to spend much time with the rest of the pack as there has always been something going on. 

The drive was fairly short and as we pulled up to the parking lot at the mall Lydia suddenly grabbed my hand. "What is this?" She exclaimed questioningly. "It's my engagement ring..." I said off-handedly trying to act like it was nothing. "Engagement ring! When did you get that? Did he propose? Oh my god, are you actually going to get officially married?" She nearly screamed at me in excitement before we had even left the car. "Calm down, it happened last night he decided it was time that I officially became his wife." I smiled looking at my best friend with a content smile. She leaned across the car and engulfed me in a hug. "Congratulations! And you are going away on holiday? Damn, you really are getting spoilt, I need to get myself a Hale." she joked. "I know! But I really need to go shopping, I need to find something to wear for our holiday too!" I grinned as we went into our first shop. 

Lydia and I spent far too much time and money shopping. "Hey, Lydia can I ask you something?" I said quietly as we settled down into a booth to have some food. We opted for burgers as it was my absolute favourite and it was a mini celebration. "Of course you can, you know that you can tell me anything." She smiled as she ate a fry. "My scar, on my neck. I was hoping you could teach me how to cover it with makeup, I don't want it there on my wedding day, I don't want Derek and I to have a reminder of what happened on our special day." I admitted embarrassed. "Of course I can! We will go back to mine when we have finished and I will show you, it is really easy, after having to cover my fair share of hickeys I have perfected the method. Don't even worry about it." she promised as we finished our meal. 

Our day of shopping was successful but considering Derek wouldn't tell me where we were going I didn't really know what I was shopping for. Once we got to Lydia's she showed me how to cover the mark on my neck and what setting spray to use to ensure that it didn't rub off throughout the day. I thanked her and gave her a long hug before making my way back home. It was already dark so I rushed from my car to the lift as I hated being outside alone in the dark. 

When I stepped out and pulled open the rustic door Derek was sat reading a book on the couch whilst Peter seemed to be scrolling through something on his computer. "Hi" I chimed as I shut the door behind me making sure it was locked. "Hi, did you have a good day?" Derek asked me looking at all the bags I was carrying. "Just a little retail therapy!" I grinned handing him back his card. "I wouldn't have had to get so much if you would just tell me where we are going!" I laughed as I ran up the stairs. "She has a point" Peter pointed out and it was followed by Derek growling "Shut up". 

When I came back down I went over to sit with Derek and he noticed my neck. "What happened to the mark?" he asked with a confused look. "Lydia taught me how to cover it up, it's hardly noticeable anymore but I don't want a reminder every time I see my reflection when we are away," I informed him. He didn't say anything but instead placed kisses on my neck. "I think you are perfect with or without the make-up." He mumbled in my ear nipping at my neck. We look in each other's eyes momentarily before we both got up. "Night Peter" I said as we both went upstairs quickly to the bedroom. "Oh great" I heard Peter groan before we slammed the door shut and locked the door.

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