9- Magic

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Derek had told me that we were going to Paris. I had always wanted to go to Paris since I was a little girl. We were going to be away for just over a week and he said he had another surprise for me. We got in a pre-booked taxi from the airport and Derek was still not telling me anything. "Can I have a hint?" I pleaded as I leant up against him with his arm wrapped around me. "Only that you are going to love it." He told me. The car journey was painfully long and at one point Derek told me I had to cover my eyes. "Why? Are you going to kidnap me and don't want me to see the location?" I teased. "No, if I was going to kidnap you I wouldn't have spent this much money!" He joked and I gave in placing my hands over my eyes so I couldn't see. 

The car came to a stop and Derek told me to wait as he got out. I kept my eyes covered and I heard my door open. "Give me your hand but don't open your eyes" he directed and I followed as he helped me out of the car. He positioned me to face something and then stepped back. "Ok you can open." he then said from a distance and I opened my eyes to see the Disneyland Hotel in front of me. "Oh my god!" I gasped and turned my head to see he had his phone out and pointed at me. "You did this?" I gasped nearly crying. "Yes, I know how much you love Disney so I thought I would organise a little surprise." He grinned and I ran over to him and engulfed him in a hug.

Our hotel room was the Sleeping Beauty Suite which had the view of the castle and I could quite happily die there. We were only there for two nights but it was so beautiful and incredible that it was enough, I could tell that Derek was feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all but he didn't complain once. That is true love. It was the most magical thing I had ever experienced, Derek Hale in Disneyland. 

Our next destination was right to the centre of Paris. We stayed in a cute modern hotel, we only stayed there for two nights as well but we managed to go to loads of amazing restaurants and Derek had bought me a beautiful necklace from one of the boutique jewellers which he would not let me see the price of so I felt like I might as well have had the heart of the ocean sat on my chest. 

The final destination was my favourite. It was much more suited to Derek. We caught a plane over to Iceland. Reykjavik was a completely different city to anything in America or even Paris. We got a taxi and went out to these cabins spread really far apart in the middle of a valley. It was so secluded and private. We spent the next five days exploring Iceland but spending most of our time with just each other. It was the ultimate bliss and Derek seemed so at peace being away from it all. We had taken so many photos from the whole trip and I felt closer to Derek in a way I hadn't before. 

I felt so calm in Iceland, one night when we were watching the Northern Lights from our cabin I turned to Derek with an idea. "What if we got married here, in Iceland?" I suggested. "What? When?" Derek asked a little taken back by my random suggestion. "I don't know tomorrow? It could just be the two of us. We could always do something bigger when we go back home but I don't think I can wait any longer, I want to be your wife." I confessed. He just smiled "Let's do it."

The next day we made our way into a small town. We found a little boutique which sold some wedding clothes and I purchased a little white dress to wear. We went around looking for a venue and found the most beautiful church. The priest was very willing to help us and provided us with a time slot for a few hours time. I couldn't believe we were actually going to do this. We rushed back to the cabin to get ready. 

We stood in a little white church in a small town in Iceland at the altar. I was in a little white dress and Derek stood there in a suit. "Do you Derek take Rachel to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked Derek as we stood opposite each other holding hands. "I do," he said looking straight into my eyes. "And do you Rachel take Derek to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I was then asked. "I do" I nearly cried out of happiness. We exchanged rings and then it was announced. "By the power invested in me by the law and god, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride". Derek picked me up and we shared a long passionate kiss, the witnesses cheered and photos were taken. It was a small wedding with just the two of us but it was all I wanted. 

We made it back to the cabin and Derek locked the door before I pulled the curtain closed. My husband came towards me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. My husband, I liked how that sounded. I gently unbuttoned his shirt as we continued to kiss and once he had shrugged it off he moved his kisses to my neck whilst his hands dropped down to the bottom of my dress before pulling it up. I wasted no time in reaching for his belt, I wanted to consummate this marriage and I wanted to consummate it now. 

Oh and we did, several times in several different positions. Our wedding night felt magical between just the two of us and I didn't think anything could ruin it. Until we received a call from Peter "Malia has been Murdered!" Well that certainly puts a dampner on the mood. 

A/N This is a really short chapter and will be rewritten at a later date but I have something really big about to happen in this story which I want to get to!

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