12- Choose

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A/N This Chapter is going to change POV a few times but it will be indicated each time.

I opened my eyes and I was in my childhood bedroom in my old bed. What am I doing here? I got up and walked out of the door feeling like every bone in my body ached but it was bearable. I was so confused about how I go here. I went downstairs and saw my Mom and Dad at the table eating breakfast. "Mom? Dad?" I questioned in shock. "Hi Sweetie" My Mom smiled as she came over to me and hugged me my Dad also hugged me, I could feel them. They were really here! "What is going on? How are you both here? Why am I here? I was on the lacrosse field." I had so many questions. "We are not really here Princess, neither are you. Our old home doesn't exist any more." My Dad told me. "Rachel, I'm here." I heard Derek's voice say but as I spun around I couldn't see him.  "Derek? Where is he? I don't understand" I shook my head desperately searching for my husband.  "Am I dying? Is that what's happening?" I then asked piecing together everything that was happening around me. I was shot and trampled, I am now with my dead parents in my old childhood home which no longer exists. "Oh sweetie," my Mom said holding me close to her. "here's the secret baby, if you live or if you die, it's up to you," she told me softly. I started crying. For years all I have ever wanted was to see my Mom and Dad again. 

"I have missed you so much," I told them both through my tears as we were all laying on my bed as we used to when I was younger with me in between them. "We have always been with you princess," Dad kissed the top of my head. "It has been so hard without you both, all I have wanted was to talk to you, to hug you once more," I continued. "Just close your eyes and rest sweetie, we will be here when you wake up." My Mom soothed me as she brushed my head and I let my eyes close. My Dad was holding my hand. 

Third Person POV

Derek had not left his Wife's side. He had refused and quite quickly everyone learnt to stop trying to. Rachel lay still on the hospital bed in a comatose state. She has had an operation to remove the bullet and try and fix the damage but she still wasn't awake. When Ryan had told Scott the news he immediately went to the hospital and had not left the outside of the door. He had witnessed Derek taking Rachel's pain on several occasions and got really concerned for him. Derek was not like anyone they had ever seen before he was breaking down. 

Rachel POV

I could still feel my hand being held but I couldn't move or open my eyes. There was an annoying constant beeping sound that would not stop. "Derek, you have to stop. You can feel her pain already, taking on her pain again must be killing you!" I heard Scott say. Scott? What was he doing here? Why couldn't I open my eyes? "I don't care," I heard Derek growl. He was taking my pain from me, that would explain why I wasn't in agony. "Derek-" Scott tried to speak again but was cut off by Derek shouting. "GET OUT!" I could hear in his voice how angry he was. I heard a door shut and then my hand was lifted up and a kiss placed on it. "Please just give me one more miracle, don't be dead!" He begged me and he sounded so weak. 

"Derek!"I called out opening my eyes to try and see him but I was back with my parents. "What is happening to me?" I cried to my parents. "you are in a coma baby, when you go to sleep you are back in the hospital and can hear what is going on around you but when you wake up you are here with us." Mom explained to me. "Are you going to stay with me?" I asked them, I couldn't bear to lose them again. "We are not going anywhere" Dad promised me. "Am I going to wake up again?" I asked them. "Well princess, that is down to you. You will reach a point where you have to decide whether you want to stay here or go back. You do not have to decide yet, you have time." My Dad confirmed. "If I go back, will you come with me?" I asked hopefully. "No Sweetie, we have to stay here." Mom explained apologetically. I couldn't lose them again! I have only just got them back. I closed my eyes to blink but they would not open again.

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