11- Remember

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I sat in the car anxiously playing with the rings in my finger. It had been a while since I last left the loft. The nightmares along with the extremity of the last storm just became too much for me to cope and something in me snapped and I couldn't step out of the loft for anything. I was frustrated at myself but every time I went to step out of the door I would have flashbacks to the nightmare of him being here and attacking me and Derek. Ryan and Lydia had been amazing to me, they didn't push me into leaving and came round to visit as much as they could. Scott also came round to see me whenever he got the chance but that was becoming increasingly hard. I had become really close to Ryan now too and he and Lydia were like my best friends but he kept going on about feeling as if someone was missing but he didn't know who. "Are you ok?" Derek asked me putting his hand on mine. "Yes, I have got this." I smiled weakly trying to convince myself more than him. We were on our way to the McCall house, it was Melissa's day off, she had a night shift so she had most the day to hang out with me. "I am sure you have." He smiled across at me as we pulled up to the McCall's house. "I will see you later, I love you," I told Derek as I leaned across to kiss him. "I love you, remember call me immediately if you need me." He told me kissing me back before watching me run inside.

It felt so good to be out the loft, I can't believe it has taken me this long to realise that the nightmare was only a nightmare and that I was safe in my own town. Melissa and I spent the day together and we were watching films on Netflix just having a really girly day. "Right well I should start getting ready for work!" she said standing up and heading upstairs. "I think I am going to head over to the school to meet up with Scott when he is finished." I shouted up to her. "Do you want me to drop you off on my way?" she called back. I picked up my things and put on my coat. "No, that's ok I could do with a nice walk!" I thanked her before heading out.

Not long after I had left the house my phone started ringing and it was Ryan. "Hi Ryan!" I chimed happily as I placed the phone to my ear. "Hi Rachel, how are you doing? did you make it out of the loft today?" his voice asked happily. I carried on my walk breathing in the fresh air feeling so much better for it. "Yes! It was tough and I didn't think I was going to be able to do it but I did!" I cheered happily. "What are you up to?" I then added. "Oh I am just at the school finishing up in the library" he informed me. "I am nearby I will come to the school and meet you!" I suggested excitedly. "Ok, sounds good. Hey, I have this random key on my key ring, did you give me a key to the loft?" he asked me sounding distracted. "Uh no, I don't think so. What does it look like?" I asked as I rounded another corner. I heard him drop the keys and then another voice talking in the background. "Hang on a second, the deputy thinks this car is mine." he said and then I heard a car door open and close. "What the hell? the key works for the door. What is going on?" he asked putting me on speaker. "See if you can start it!" I suggested. "Ok let's try it," Ryan said and I heard him try the key, the noise sounded familiar like I knew it really well. "Stiles!" I heard Ryan gasp and then our phones lost signal. I remember now. How could I ever forget Stiles Stilinski. I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I realised I had lost one of my closest friends and didn't even realise

I rushed to get to the school, I wanted to tell Ryan that I remembered Stiles and try and help out. When I got there I knew that Ryan would be at the jeep so I went straight to the parking lot where I saw Parish stood writing something down. I then saw Ryan heading away from the jeep quickly towards the Lacrosse pitch. "Ryan!" I tried calling out as I headed in that direction. "Ryan! I remember Stiles!" I called out to him but he seemed in some kind of a trance. He then stopped suddenly and was staring straight across at the woods. It wasn't until I got closer that I saw what he was looking at. I knew from what Derek had mentioned that they were the ghost riders. He looked as though he was ready to confront them, he must have been trying to find out what they did with Stiles. I couldn't let him do this, it was a suicide mission. "Ryan!" I screamed as I ran over to him propelling myself faster as I pushed him as hard as I could out of the path of the charging riders. Just as he was moved out of harm's way I felt something hit me causing me to fall down to the ground. It was like I had been shot in the stomach. I couldn't get up to move in time and the herd of Ghost Riders galloped straight over the top of me I felt each and every hoof hit me. It felt as if it was a never-ending amount of horses trampling me. All I could think about whilst it was happening, was not the pain I was feeling, but instead that Derek must be feeling it too.

Then blackness.

Third Person POV

As soon as the Ghost riders had disappeared Ryan was left frozen on the floor as he stared at Rachel's battered body not moving. He realised that if she didn't push him out the way, that could have been him. Parish was yelling into his radio informing the sheriff that a young woman had been attacked. He came sprinting over to try and save her. Her heart was still beating but it was really weak.

Derek had been at the sheriff station with Chris and Sheriff when he suddenly felt a slight pain in his chest. It must have been Rachel. It was then followed by a strong pain in his stomach and like he was being stamped on a million times. He knew something was wrong with Rachel. "Sheriff, I am at the school, a young female has just been attacked and is in a critical condition. I am going to call an ambulance but I think you may need to see this!" Parish's voice rang through on the radio and Derek knew immediately it was Rachel. "It's Rachel, I can feel it," Derek growled and Sheriff told him to get in the car and they were going to blue light it over there.

Once they arrived the ambulance had placed an oxygen mask on Rachel and placed her on a spinal board, she was not in a good way. "We need to get her to the hospital now!" The paramedic informed the sheriff as she was lifted into the back of the ambulance. Noah knew that it was not safe to let Derek be with Rachel in the ambulance, he was angry right now and if one of the paramedics said the wrong thing it could have been fatal. He told Derek and they drove over in the Sheriff's car instead.

As the ambulance drove away with Sheriff following Ryan stood watching it as it drove across the parking lot. As his eyes followed the ambulance they landed on the jeep where he saw Stiles sat with his hands on the steering wheel. "Stiles!" he yelled frozen in disbelief.

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