14- Home

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The sound of beeping fills my ears again. I open my eyes and see Derek's beautiful green eyes looking back at me. "Derek!" I croaked out my throat dry. "Rachel?" He asked me in disbelief. I lifted my arm to touch his face, he was real. "It's me!" I whispered crying. Derek leaned in and kissed me straight away and held my face. "You came back to me!" he said still seeming in shock. "I couldn't leave you!" I confessed and laughed a little as I choked on my tears. "I love you so much!" He told me. "I love you, Derek Hale!" I replied holding him close to me.  A knock sounded at the door and I glanced over to see Melissa walking in. "Melissa!" I smiled happily. She came over to me and hugged me. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear your voice!" she exclaimed. "Please, can we turn that beeping off? It has been driving me insane!" I begged as Derek handed me a bottle of water that he had opened for me. "Of course! Everyone wants to see you!" she told me and I glanced at Derek momentarily. "Can we just have a few more minutes alone?" I asked wincing in pain as I tried to move. "Sure, let me know when you are ready." she smiled before leaving and shutting the door.

"Whilst I was out, I was with my Parents. I kept switching from being with them to being in my body unable to move here. They told me I had a decision, I got to choose whether I wanted to live and come back to you or stay with them." I began to explain. "And you chose to come back" he smiled sitting on the bed looking over at me. I nodded. "What made your mind up?" he asked me. "You, I heard you talking to me, I heard everyone telling me how much you needed me and I knew that I had to fight to get back to you. I miss my parents but I can't go on in life or death without you." I cried hugging him but feeling the pain. I felt him take away my pain and I kissed him and then laid back down. "You are my anchor, without you I don't know what I would have done. Never do that to me again, when I thought you were dead my whole world felt like it had ended." he told me firmly. "I promise I won't leave you," I swore to him.

We then signalled to Melissa that someone could come in and Scott was the first in. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Scott asked me looking relieved to see me. "A bit shook up but good considering! How about you? Sleeping on those hospital chairs can't have been comfortable!" I smiled hugging my brother. "Oh yeah, they are definitely not comfortable. But it was worth it though." he smiled at me. "Who else is here?" I asked him glancing towards the door feeling a bit run down. "Lydia, Ryan, Stiles, Kyra, Chris and Noah" Scott listed and I let out a sigh. "Is everything ok?" Scott asked me noticing my change of expression. "Yeah, I am just feeling a little run down that's all." I smiled weakly. "We will tell everyone to make it quick, you have just woken up from a coma, they will understand." Scott told me nonchalantly. I nodded and gave him a smile. "So Stiles and Ryan want to see you but they are not sure if you wanted to see them?" Scott asked me as he stood at the door before opening it. "Of course" I smiled and Derek shifted uncomfortably in the corner of the room but I decided to pretend I didn't notice.

Scott opened the door and left and not long after Stiles came in carrying loads of balloons saying 'Get Well Soon!' on them with Ryan following behind him.  "Hi!" I smiled and felt emotional as I saw the balloons. "Oh no don't cry! Why are you crying?" Stiles asked panicked glancing over at Derek who was frowning. "I am just happy to see you! I heard what you said whilst I was out, both of you and it meant a lot. And I am relieved you are ok Stiles, nice to know it was all worth it in the end!" I remarked wiping my eyes. They both relaxed and came over to hug me whilst Stiles tied my balloons to the chair in the corner of the room. "I am here thanks to you if it weren't for your help Ryan could have been killed and I would have been trapped there forever like Peter!" Stiles told me. "Peter?" I asked confused. "Yeah Peter Hale, Derek's uncle" Stiles laughed. "What are you talking about?" Derek asked sounding annoyed. "I know you won't believe me but when I was in the other world, Peter was there, they had taken him too and he is still trapped there!" Stiles explained. "We believe you babe but how do we get him back?" Ryan asked him placing a hand on his boyfriend's back. I glanced over at Derek but then I suddenly had all the memories of Peter Hale come flooding back. Derek's look seemed that he had the same. "There is no need, I got myself back. I had to come and find me, niece!" Peter's voice sounded from the door and we all looked over to see him stood there his clothes looking burnt and his skin healing.  Today is all becoming too much. "Ok that's enough visitors, Rachel is clearly drained," Derek said moving forwards and Ryan and Stiles nodded before leaving the room. Peter walked in further but Derek stopped him from coming near me. "I said no more visitors," he said firmly to Peter. "I heard you, but I am not a visitor, I am family. Now if you don't mind I have just come back from hell and I want to sit down with my family." Peter protested. I rolled my eyes at the pair and tried to move but I let out a yelp of pain causing them both to look over. "Derek look at him! Peter please just come in and keep quiet!" I pleaded closing my eyes. Peter just held his hands up and took a seat on one of the chairs. "Are you ok?" Derek asked me as he shut the door. "I just want to go home and cuddle with you for the next five years" I joked as I held onto Derek's hand and admired him. "We will get you home soon baby, don't worry," he told me as I closed my eyes slightly to drift off.

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