10- Whirlwind

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Life had been crazy these past few weeks. Since our holiday and the wedding, our lives had become a whirlwind. Malia's funeral was a tough day for everyone, we came back early from our holiday to attend and I couldn't help but feel guilty that we were not here sooner. I accidentally let it slip to Ryan at the funeral that we had gotten married and then found out but he was the only one that knew we were now officially married. It didn't feel like the time to be celebrating when we had just lost one of our friends to murder. Peter was finding it harder than we expected considering he never really was a father to her.

Everyone was getting stressed out about the exams coming up. The next two weeks were solid exams but then they are done! I hadn't been able to spend as much time with Lydia recently because she has been swamped in her revision, she doesn't need it she will get A's without even trying. Instead, I had been spending more time at the McCall house again, since I moved out I hardly get to see Melissa anymore and I haven't been able to spend much time with Scott as he and Derek are always so busy, they are like my family and I have missed them.

"Rachel!" Melissa cheered as she opened the front door to let me in. I ran over and she enveloped me in a huge hug before letting me inside. "Hi! I have missed you!" I chimed back as I followed her into the lounge where we both sat down on the couch to catch up. "I know, the shifts at the hospital don't do much for your social life! I miss having another girl in the house!" she confessed and it made me giggle. "I know! Me too, there is too much testosterone in that loft sometimes, especially when the whole pack is round!" I rolled my eyes and she nodded in agreement. The front door opened and Scott came walking in with his bags. "Speaking of testosterone!" Melissa chuckled and Scott looked over to us. "Rachel!" he smiled running over and I noticed Kyra come in the door behind him. I stood up and was bombarded with a hug. "Hey! Long time no see!" I grinned hugging my brother. "What are you doing here?" he asked with a big smile as he pulled away slightly to look at me. "She came round to hang out with me! Because Mom's can be fun too." Melissa answered for me from the couch. "Are you staying for a while? Kyra and I have revision to be doing." He asked me hugging me tightly again. "I will be here for a good few hours yeah! You guys go get on with whatever you need to we can catch up later." I smiled going to sit back down again. Scott nodded and grabbed Kyra's hand before running up the stairs.

It was a really beautiful sunny day so Melissa and I decided to sit out in the garden and continue talking. We were talking for hours when suddenly her eyes went to my hand. "What is this?" She asked me picking up my left hand and looking at my wedding and engagement rings. "Derek and I finally made it official and legally got married" I smiled happily. I hadn't told anyone else since Ryan because the time just didn't seem right. "What! When? Where? Congratulations!" she rushed out hugging me close. "It was in Iceland in a really cute little church whilst we were away, we decided whilst we were there that we wanted a small ceremony with just us two." I informed her. "I am so happy for you! Rachel Hale! But it also makes me kinda sad because I won't be registered as your next of kin anymore." she told me with a genuine smile. "You will always be like a second Mom to me no matter what!" I promised.

Out of nowhere, it started to spit and then rain so the pair of us jumped up and ran inside. "Of course, the weather has to ruin a happy moment for us, its a shame though because it was such a nice day." Melissa frowned as she shut the back door and we stood in the kitchen. I glanced out the window whilst Melissa poured me a glass of orange juice. The sky was swarming with black clouds and the rain got a lot heavier. "Something is wrong, storms don't happen this quickly!" I muttered concerned as I backed again from the window. "Here have a drink and let's sit down." Melissa tried to distract me. I took a sip of my drink and then set it down on the coffee table as we went back through to the lounge. "I am sure it is just a bit of rain and will clear up in a minute." She tried to assure me but loud waves of thunder shook the house and I became paralysed with fear. "Rachel, you are ok, tell me about the wedding." Melissa tried to distract me and I could hear Scott running downstairs as another wave of thunder hit. "Uh- it- uh- I don't know" I stuttered unable to focus. Lighting hit and the lights flickered but did not go off. "Everything is ok" Scott assured me as he went to the front and back door showing me they were locked. "What were you wearing?" Melissa then asked making me sit down and holding my hands. "A- a short white dress- we found it in one of the boutiques there." I replied trying to focus on Melissa. "It has stopped" Scott suddenly said sounding confused. "What?" Melissa was also confused. We all looked out the window and instantly it was back to being a nice sunny day. "What is going on? Storms shouldn't do that! They shouldn't come and go that quickly" I panicked. "I don't know. Do you want me to drive you home?" Melissa offered but I drove myself here. "No, it isn't far, I can do it." I nodded grabbing my things before rushing home.

There was no explanation as to why that storm happened, but something was going on in Beacon Hills. I was so unnerved by the storm that I barely left the loft. For the whole two weeks of exams, I used every excuse under the sun to not leave so Derek only left when he had to and when he did I would just be anxiously waiting alone looking for any sign of another storm coming. Lydia and Ryan came over to visit me once or twice but they were swamped with exams. Scott wanted to stay with me but there was too much going on but he would come over every second he could. At the end of the exams, Ryan and Stiles went up to look at Colleges and Apartments in Quantico together for the weekend.

A few weeks after exams the Cyclones had their final Lacrosse match. It was the first time in a while that I was going to be leaving the loft and I was excited. The match was amazing, I was sat with Ryan, Lydia and Noah and we were cheering them on the whole time. One of the players got injured and that meant that it was Stile's chance to play in the final match. To everyone's surprise they won. We were all so happy for them and were celebrating when I noticed Derek had turned up. I ran over to him and he wrapped his arm around me. "They won!" I beamed at him. "wow, I didn't see that coming. We should be getting back to the loft." He told me brushing the hair that had fallen out of my ponytail in all my jumping around, out of my face. "Is something wrong?" I asked with a frown as we said goodbye and headed for his car. "The weather forecast predicted another storm tonight and I want to get you home before it happens." he informed me as he sped home.

When we got back I got into my PJs and I checked everything was locked. Derek put a disney film on the laptop for me and we sat on the sofa with a blanket, he turned all the lights off to try and not scare me if the power cut out. He was right, there was a storm that night. Just like the storm when I was at the McCall's it came so quickly but this one was much much bigger. I had must have fallen asleep at some point because I was having nightmares about him being here, he attacked Derek and came for me when I left the building for help. I was petrified. All these storms keep happening for no apparent reason. I didn't feel safe anymore. I never wanted to leave.

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