2- A Myth

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You had been attending Beacon Hills High School for two months now and in that time your life had changed a lot. Well to start with you found out that your friends were a Banshee, a Fox, a werecoyote and werewolves and then Stiles was just Stiles. You had also began to become quite good friends with the group. Unfortunately, the group had learnt some things about you. They found out that you had PTSD and severe anxiety from something that happened in your past. Scott stupidly let it slip once that it was something to do with your ex but luckily he didn't reveal what it was exactly.

You had heard the others mention someone called Derek quiet a few times and they often said they were going off to speak to him but you had never actually met him in person. Yeah well that was about to change because you heard Scott whisper to Stiles who was sat right next to you on the bleachers telling him that Derek was here. You were so excited that you were going to get your chance to meet this mysterious Derek Hale. Scott grabbed your arm quickly "you need to come with me quickly" he said to you as he was looking around your surroundings. "Ok? What's happening?" You asked as you stood up and followed him as he nearly ran with Stiles round the back of the school. It was there that you saw Issac stood talking to a tall figure who's back was to you. "Ok what is going on because this seems really sketchy!" You question everyone as you come to a stop. "Listen I can explain, Rachel this is Derek Hale and Derek this is my kind sister ish type thing Rachel." Scott introduced us "is he one of you?" You asked as the tall figure turned round "yes" Scott confirmed but you couldn't take your eyes off the person in front of you. He was a six foot wall of pure muscle and sexiness. Your eyes gazed up over his lightly bearded face before they connected with his eyes and something happened inside you.

You felt that you had lost control of your body, you could no longer move your eyes away as you held each other's gaze.  You felt as if you had known him your whole life and something inside of you felt like you were bound to him and him to you. You felt relaxed suddenly and safe. You had no idea what was going on but did you care. Hell no.

"What is happening?" Stiles asked but you still couldn't move or even look away. "I am not sure" Issac replied. "This isn't possible" you finally got to hear Derek's voice and if you could have moved you would have fainted. "Hello? What isn't possible, what is going on here?" Scott asked waving his hand in between our faces which broke the gaze. "What was that? Can you feel that too?" You asked Derek confused. "I feel it" He told you and then he glanced at the others. "I heard stories about it when I was younger, it hasn't been known to happen in over a century. I didn't think it existed anymore, it became a myth." Derek began explaining and you were lapping up everything he said just watching the sex god in front of you. "What kind of myth?" Scott asked. "Haha don't tell me it's something like a mate bond" Stiles laughed expecting to be wrong. "Yes" Derek confirmed and everyone fell silent. "A what?" You asked confused. "A mate bond is what we thought had become a myth, when a male werewolf is born they are destined to be with someone. When they meet this person a bond in formed from the second their eyes meet. The souls bond together. They are made to love and protect each other and stay together all their lives. The wolf can sense when their mate is near them and they can follow their senses to find them anywhere." Derek explained. "So it's like being married with find my iPhone." Stiles joked along and Derek glared at him. Hold up. So you are mated to Derek Hale. You are supposed to spend the rest of your life with him and basically marry him? FUCK YES!

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