5- Obstacle

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I managed to open my eyes but I couldn't move, my arms were tied down and my feet were being tied up. I looked and saw it was Miss Blake tying me up. "What are you doing?" I asked confused noticing we were in a dark room and the doors were barricaded shut. "You were not who I was targeting, you were not part of the plan but you have become and obstacle, with you around Derek has no interest in anyone else and I need him to complete my task. The only way I can get him is to get rid of you." She said and I saw her bring out a wire which looked like it was burning, it must have been the weapon used to kill the others, Miss Blake was the murderer. I let out the loudest scream that I possibly could and held it for as long as I could but it was cut off when the wire was wrapped around my neck and I couldn't breathe. "You shouldn't have done that Rachel! No one will hear you, the school is all outside." She growled angrily at me. I tried desperately to pull my arms and legs free to try and get away but it was no give. Banging sounded on the door and then it flew across the room. The wire was dropped from my neck as Miss Blake jumped back in shock. Scott was in the room and he ran over to fight whilst Stiles ran in and untied me. Miss Blake ran out the room quickly and Scott came back to me. "Rachel! Oh my god are you Ok?" Scott asked me as I was crying but barely moving. I went to touch my neck but it hurt too bad so I quickly pulled my hand away. "We need to get you out of here!" Stiles remarked. "Derek, we need to warn Derek. He would have felt my pain and will be trying to find me." I answered shakily. "I will call him and tell him to wait at the loft. Let's go" Stiles confirmed and Scott scooped my up so that we could run.

As soon as we got to the loft Derek came straight over to us the second we opened the door. "What happened?" He growled angrily as he saw my neck. Scott put me down and I ran to Derek. "Jennifer Blake, she tried to kill her like the others" Scott said angrily. "What?" Derek growled and gently touched my neck but I winced and jumped back so he put his hand on my face instead. "Why? Why would she try and hurt you?" He asked me upset. "She said she needed you for her plan but with me around you wouldn't look at anyone else so she needed to get rid of me so she could have you" I explained. Derek kissed me hard. "I am sorry" he apologised to me and he held me close. "She is here" Scott growled lowly. "We should hide to lure her into a trap that way we can stop her." Stiles suggested. I looked at Derek and nodded. "Ok go round there" he nodded pointing to a hidden corner of the apartment. Scott, Stiles and I all hid and kept quiet whilst Derek went upstairs. "Derek! Derek!" Jennifer Blake's voice entered the apartment sounding desperate. "What is it?" I heard him ask as he walked down the stairs. "Something happened at the school, I need you to promise you will believe me!" She told him and I felt angry at hearing her voice again and the idea that she would be trying to take my mate. "What happened?" Derek played along. "They are already here aren't they?" She asked sounding annoyed. Scott stepped forward followed by Stiles and I. "I don't know what they have said-" she started. "That you tried to kill me!" I shouted angrily and tried to go for her. Derek put an arm out to stop me getting any closer in case she tried to strike out. "Oh right and when was I supposed to have done that? In between my marking or lesson plans?" She laughed. "We all saw" Scott growled. "Oh come on, why would I try and kill a pupil?" She laughed again. "Because I have what you never will, I am Derek's girlfriend and you couldn't accept that!" I said angrily. "You are a child, I am not going to fight over a man with a child." She laughed and I went to attack her again but Derek held me behind him. Stiles came and held my arms and comforted me further away as things were about to get messy. Scott blocked the door so she couldn't leave and Derek grabbed her by the neck. "Derek please!" She yelled struggling to breathe. "No one harms my mate! You tried to kill her!" He barked angrily his grip tightening. "You can't kill me, you need me. I am the only one who knows the cure for your sister!"

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