7- First Dates

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~7 months later~
In the past 7 months a lot had changed Cora became a best friend of mine, she and Issac grew closer and began dating, she quickly realised Beacon Hills was no longer her home and together she and Issac moved away to start a new life together. Unfortunately Peter did not leave, instead, he found out Malia was his daughter. Derek had managed to convince me to move in with him completely, it didn't take much convincing though if I'm honest; what am I going to do? Say no? Ha. Stiles and Malia dated for a short while and after a month or two Stiles announced that he was Bisexual, not that we were surprised. Then a new family moved into Beacon Hills, from what I was told it was a man called Luke who was the new deputy and his Son Ryan. It seemed that Ryan and Stiles were a thing but I was yet to meet him because Derek had become even more protective, after me becoming the target to get to him on many occasions he didn't like new people being around me until he knew he could trust them. I had to drop out of school and study from home because there were too many threats from at the school.

I was sat on the couch in the loft reading through a couple of textbooks trying to wrap my head around chemistry. I heard Derek talking on the phone to someone but he sounded annoyed. He came over and sat next to me pulling me into his lap. "Who was that?" I asked concerned as I stroked his arm and looked up from my work. "Ryan, he was asking me to help him set up a date on the roof for him and Stiles." He replied and then went to kiss me. "Are you going to help him?" I asked with a smile as I thought about how romantic first dates were. "No, I have much better things to be doing with me time and most of them involve you." He grinned as he kissed me again. "Well, maybe I could help him instead? It would give me something to do whilst you are gone?" I thought aloud. "If that's what you want, as long as it's not right now" he sighed. I agreed and we continued our make-out session on the couch my textbooks falling to the ground.

As soon as Peter got home Derek and I stopped what we were doing. Peter hadn't quite been the same since he found out Malia was his daughter, he didn't particularly want a daughter and he didn't act like a father to her. He and Derek were deep in a conversation about things that didn't concern me so I instead went and picked up Derek's phone and finding Ryan's number to text him. We discussed what his plans were for the date and I said I was happy to help. I was so excited so I let Derek know I was going out to the roof and I basically skipped over to start setting up the canopy and fairy lights with a cute little table underneath it. I sent Ryan a text to let him know it was all ready and when I came back down to the loft I heard Derek say to Peter "we don't like you" very bluntly. "I like you" I smiled as I bobbed into the room and over to Derek. "Thank you, Rachel, although you like everyone so it isn't hard to get you to like me!" Peter remarked seeing me. "I don't like everyone! I don't like people that try and keep Derek and me apart or those that try and kill those I love." I argued back. "He is just trying to wind you up," Derek assured me rubbing my back. "Where were you anyway?" Peter asked me as I sat down on the table next to where Derek was sat. "I was setting up the roof for Stiles and Ryan's date!" I grinned cheering up again. "You are letting them have a date here?" he asked Derek shocked. "Rachel wanted to do it" Derek shrugged. "Yes, I did because it is romantic! Not that you two would understand romance!" I teased. "I could be romantic if I wanted to, but I don't," Peter remarked and I rolled my eyes getting up and going upstairs. 

I went into the room that Derek and I now shared and I tied my hair up into a high ponytail and I got out my laptop to watch some youtube videos. I climbed onto the bed laying down on my front with my arms propping me up to see the screen and started to scroll through watching loads of videos about the most random things, I was just passing time until it was time to go and meet Ryan as we had agreed. 

I heard someone coming towards the bedroom so I glanced up from watching the fifth 'What if' video about what would happen if all the oceans drained out suddenly. I smiled as I saw it was Derek, he walked in and shut the door behind him. "Hey" I smiled as I hit pause on the laptop. "What are you doing?" He asked me as he came and sat next to me on the edge of the bed. "I was just getting sucked into the Youtube blackhole again, I don't even know how I ended up on this video." I laughed as I looked at his beautiful eyes. "Is everything ok?" I then asked softly. "You didn't kill Peter again did you? You know he will just keep coming back!" I joked. He just gave me a small smirk and shook his head "No he is still living and breathing, unfortunately. I just wanted to check that you were ok and that you weren't upset about the whole date thing?" he checked as he stroked me face gently. I closed my laptop screen and adjusted so I was looking at him properly. "Of course I am ok, why would I be upset about Ryan's date? I was the one who wanted to help!" I grinned. "What you said earlier, about Peter and I not knowing about romance, I don't want you to feel like you are missing out." He explained looking into my eyes. I moved so I was sat on my knees and I looked him in the eyes. I moved forward and kissed him on the lips wrapping my arms around his neck as his hands went to my waist. "I was just messing around, you are romantic to me and that's all I care about." I smiled as I gently brushed his hair back slightly. "You do know I love you though don't you?" he said seriously. "Of course I do! I love you too" my eyes started to sting. He kissed me. "Someone is here," he said with a frown once we had pulled apart. I glanced at the watch on my wrist it was nearly 8:30. "That must be them! I will be right back!" I grinned kissing him quickly before getting up and pulling some shoes on. "Them?" Derek was confused. "Ryan and Stiles" I confirmed as I hurried out the door. 

I waited outside by the front door when I saw a familiar blue jeep pull up. A guy got out who I didn't recognise that must have been Ryan. He came over to me and smiled. "Hey, I'm Derek's wife Rachel, you must be Ryan, everything is set up, it looks so fucking cute, I wish Derek did stuff like this more often." I joked and gave him a hug. "Oh my god, thank you so much for setting this up for me, I bet it looks stunning!" he beamed hugging me back. I glanced back up to the car and saw Stiles was blindfolded which made me chuckle. "No problem, I will leave you two to it." I smiled before heading inside and going back up to the loft.

I went straight back to the bedroom where I found Derek on the laptop, he smiled when he saw me enter. "I am all yours, what are you so happy about?" I was curious as I jumped on the bed next to him to see what was on the screen. "I have booked us a little holiday in a couple of days." He smiled at me as he held me into his side. "Really? Where? Why? What brought this on?" I got really excited, I hadn't been on holiday since I lived with my Dad. "Yes really, its a surprise and  I heard you introduced yourself to Ryan as my wife, I thought that it was high time we made it official." He smiled at me. I sat up in shock not really sure what he was saying. He stood up and reached into his pocket before kneeling down. "Rachel, we are already mates and I know that we are going to spend the rest of our lives together and I love you with every inch of me. Will you make it official and become my wife?" He asked me as he held out a ring which I recognised as being his mother's. "YES!" I nearly screamed happily hugging him. He kissed me and picked me up. I couldn't believe I was going to legally become his wife. 

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