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Mira's P.O.V

After removing my gown, I tried to take some comfortable clothes from my suitcase , but when I opened I realized that none of the clothes were mine

It was jungkook's , great now I have to dress up in that gown and go back to him , wait so that means he have my suitcase?

I quickly dressed back up in that uncomfortable gown and went to his room And knocked on the door waiting for a reply and heard a noise saying come in

Jungkook's P.O.V

I felt soo uncomfortable in this tuxedo so I slowly stripped of the coat and the shirt and then bent down to pick some hoodie from my suitcase , after opening the suitcase the first thing I saw was a bra and I suddenly realized it wasn't my clothes so I quickly shut the suitcase when I heard a knock on the door

I cleared my throat

"Come in" I shouted and Mira came in with my suitcase

She suddenly looked at me and stood frozen admiring until then I realize I was shirtless , I faked a cough and she shifted her gaze towards me

"Oh uh sorry we both mistook each other's suitcase" she said handing me and then I gave back hers

I could clearly see she blushed and tried to hide it away as she quickly went out the door , I just chuckled to myself and closed the door

Next day

I have to wait until like next week to get back on my job because my dad said I needed to interact more with my 'wife'

I freshened up and came out of my room and went to the kitchen to eat some breakfast and then I saw someone already cooked food and left the food on the table
Well she must've gone for her work

I was eating peacefully until I heard a ear screeching doorbell , good thing I finished eating or else whoever was ringing the bell should wait until I finish up , I quickly got up and went to the door and opened it

"Y-yuri?" I said in shock as I saw her

"Hey jungkook congratulations on getting married" she said and hugged me out of the blue , well I stood there as my arms were stretched out in the door and she was hugging me tightly
I slowly backed her off

"Come in" I said and she came in happily and I closed the door

"Wow such a nice house" she said admiring the house

"Thanks" I replied still thinking how the hell she got the address

"Uh yuri?" I called her as she was lost in admiring the house and she quickly looked at me

"Yes jungkook?" She asked

"How did you know the address , I mean I haven't said to anyone about my new house" I said not trying to make her feel guilty

"Oh I got to know it from your mom" she said and sat down on the huge sofa

Strange , why will my mom say my address to people she don't know?

"So how's everything so far?" She asked smiling

"It has been ok" I replied giving her a fake smile

"Hmm , remember my plan right?" She asked and suddenly it took some time for me to process what she said and then finally I got it

"Uh yeah , yuri you want something to eat or drink?" I asked quickly changing the topic

"I would like to have some water" she replied And I took this chance to get away from her

I made my way into the kitchen and took out a glass and poured some water and went to the living room to give it to her
I was looking at the water and walking slowly thinking why is she here all of a sudden , I mean she's my friend but we never became so close , I realized I reached my living room and then shifted my gaze towards her only to find her sitting cross legged in such revealing skirt and she was flipping through magazines

"Here" i said as i slowly handed the water to her

"Thanks" she replied and that's when the glass slipped and the water was all over her , she gasped and I couldn't think of anything

"I'm soo sorry , like really sorry" I said taking a towel and giving it to her

Well to be honest she wore so thin white t-shirt and everything was revealing

She took her shirt off and that's when I realized she was only in her bra , I quickly closed my eyes

"Hey what are you doing" I said closing my eyes

"My shirt is wet and I don't want to catch cold so you better give me something to wear" she said kinda angry

"Alright wait here" I said as I closed shut my eyes as hard as I can and went upstairs to my room

I got some hoodie and went to give it to her , I again shut my eyes and gave her the hoodie

"Alright you can open now" she said and I opened my eyes only to find her dressed

"I'm soo sorry" I apologized again

"Aish it's okay , anyway I should get going" she said and walked to the front door

Did she literally come here to drink water?

I followed her to the door and when she opened the door I saw Mira standing there looking at her and then her expression went from normal to shocked

"Bye jungkook" yuri said holding her wet clothes and giving a smirk to Mira

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