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Jungkook's P.O.V

I shouldn't have done that , now she's mad at me. Maybe cheering her up with food would make it up , I went down and quickly ordered pizza , who cares if it's for breakfast? Pizza is pizza and it can be eaten anytime

Few minutes later

I hear her bedroom door open , that means she got out of her room and is heading here. I quickly took the pizza and laid it on the table and I heard her footsteps nearing the kitchen

I acted normal and waited.Thats when she entered the kitchen and was taken aback by the surprise

"Pizza ? For breakfast?" She questioned and sat down opposite to me and took a slice of pizza

"Jungkook , omg this tastes so good" she said eating it and I mentally laughed but isn't she mad at me?

"Well aren't you mad at me?" I asked her quietly and she faced me

"Apparently I was but I think I can't be anymore" she replied and I smiled that's when I heard my phone ringing
I looked at who it was and it was namjoon

"Yubeseyo?" I said formally

"Ah Jungkook , I hope you haven't forgot about today" he said sounding serious

Today? What's so special today? Did he schedule some type of meeting with me?.

"Ah yes how can I forget about it , of course I'll be there" I tried to sound as if I knew what's going on. I have no idea what he is meaning to tell me .

"Great the party starts at 6 pm and I expect you and your wife to be present at this occasion" he said and that's when it clicked my head , the party ! It's today

"Ah yes yes of course I'll bring her" i said sounding serious

"Alright see you there , bye" he said and ended the call

I sighed in frustration and placed my phone on the table. Mira looked at me with a concerned look on her face

"What happened and who was there on the phone?" She asked me

"Do you remember the party I told you about?" I asked her and she nodded her head nervously

"Good , well that's today" I said and she looked at me wide eyed

"WHAT?" She freaked out

If I was in her shoes I would've done the same too, how can I forget it ?

"Omg I don't even have anything to wear and it's a company party too" she said stressing out

I can manage with whatever I have now but I don't think it works that way for girls

"I'll take you out for shopping?" I asked her and she looked at the time

"Oh shit I'm getting late for work and I haven't been there since two days so I should go today" she said

That's when i remembered the Gucci dresses Yuri made me buy , if I'm not wrong I guess she kept it neatly arranged in my closet

"Wait here" I said and went to my room to get the dress, after rampaging through my closet , I found the dresses and took it with me

"Here" I said handing her the dress

She examined the dress and looked at it carefully

"Jungkook where'd you get such expensive dress from?" She asked me

"Remember a gold digger used to live with me" I said stating the obvious

"Oh yeah how can I forget?" She said laughing

"Alright I have to go now , I'm damn late for work and jin will kill me" she said as she took her stuffs and left in a hurry

Time skip

I came back from my work quickly and dressed up. I waited for Mira and heard the door opening,

"YOUR LATE MIRA" I shouted from my room

I didn't get any response , maybe she might've went to change. I quickly went downstairs with a smile plastered on my face but it faded away as soon I saw who the person was

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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