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Mira's P.O.V

Im glad he confessed because if I held in my feelings for him any longer then something might've happened to my mental health ,but there was this one question that kept disturbing my thoughts , currently I was sitting in the car and looking out of the window but I couldn't focus so I looked to see Jungkook and he had straight poker face and was so concerned in the road
That's when I decided to ask him this question that's kept lingering around me

"Jungkook did you really mean what you said or are you just using me again for that party you said?" I asked him as he focused on the road

He started laughing and I felt confused

"If it was for that I wouldn't have did a cliche confession nor kiss you like that
I confessed it because I couldn't hold it in me anymore , I don't wanna regret anything before it's too late , I know I hated you and treated you badly in the beginning but after we became closer I realized that I became more happier and I felt being myself for the first time but then I guess my luck was bad" he said as he concentrated on the road and stopped at the red light and then shifted his gaze towards me

"Oh , but why was your luck bad?" I asked him

"Well let's just say that I did a grave mistake of having a drunk one night stand with someone who was my friend or maybe who really wasn't one" he said as he slowly turned away and looked at his hands

"Now don't think about her anymore , she left right? And when she comeback we will just tell her" I said trying to cheer the gloomy atmosphere

"You're right I should probably tell her off" he said

"But anyways she really is a mega gold digger , she made me buy 150k worth of gucci stuff" he said changing the topic

"Well yoongi did warn you" I replied

"Yeah he did actually but I couldn't do anything at that moment because I was helpless" he said and suddenly I could hear car honks and shouts

I looked to see what was going on and realized the light was green

"Jungkook the light" I said loudly and it startled him , he took off from there and left a big sigh

"Damn people would've flipped us off if we didn't move" he said

We kept chatting and talking and laughing until we reached home , I never saw this side of him , he cracked the lamest jokes that it was so lame I had to laugh

"Were are you going?" Jungkook asked a he saw me entering my room

"Uh to sleep?" I replied and he formed his lips into a thin line

"W-well lets s-sleep together , I mean if your fine with it" he asked shyly

"Really? Sure" I said and quickly changed into my pjs

I went to his room and was welcomed with his aura , his room was sweet scented almost like some fruit and he didn't have any strong perfume or deodorant smell , his room was perfectly clean and aesthetically pleasing

"Damn your room is so nice" I said and he laughed

"I never do anything important here so" he said and I took time to make that sentence clean because it sounded so wrong to me

"Uhm uh I mean I never come to my room unless for sleeping" he said quickly covering up what he said earlier

"Oh ok" I smiled at him and then got in the bed

It was kinda uncomfortable because this is my first time in sleeping with him and I faced the other instead of him and some minutes later I felt a hand wrap over my waist and pulled me closer and hugged me tighter ,
I turn to face Jungkook and saw him sleep , he might've done it in his sleep.
I was staring at his facial features,
Damn his face is really sharp and toned and his hair was really soft , I wanted to brush his hair with my fingers so bad and I looked down at his lips , the same lips that connected to mine some hours ago and suddenly I saw a sly smirk forming and he opened his eyes

"Admiring me huh? I know I'm handsome" he said smiling and showing off his bunny teeth

"N-no I was just startled when you pulled me closer" I said and my cheeks flushed a shade of pink

"Aish my princess stop lying" he said and caressed my hair 

"But aren't we king and Queen know ? Cause we are married" I said and he laughed

"Well my father have to retire in order for me to be the next king" he said and I looked dumbfounded

"Oh looks like I've been watching too many dramas" I said embarrassed

"It's okay , your mom might've not told you deep things about being royal" he said with a grin

"Yeah , growing up I was always in a private class and had no friends except for jin , my mom never bothered to explain rules and stuff" I said and he listened to me

"Well for me growing up was really hard because I was always compared to others and my parents were never satisfied with me , when I was 15 my parents bought me an assistant to look after but him and me grew to be close friends that it doesn't even seem like he is my assistant" he said

"It was always so strict for me , I was never allowed to go to a party or never allowed to have fun , I had curfew and was given strict diet and had to workout then maintain my reputation
Had to bring good marks and be a good student, it was all hard for me"
He added and that actually hit me so hard , he grew up in an unfriendly environment, no wonder he is grumpy
I let out a yawn because I felt sleepy and tired after a long day and it was almost 4 am

"Looks like my story bored you" he said with a pout

"What no no , it's just that I feel tired" I replied I and he giggled

"I'm kidding , you need rest so it's better if we both sleep" he said and I nodded in agreement but I was too sleepy to nod my head , I just fell asleep

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