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Mira's P.O.V

"So you'll be meeting him alright?" My mom finished explaining me that I have been given the right to meet my partner and not make the whole blind mess

"Alright" i said happily because atleast this is Better

Next day

I got ready and went to the same park which was suggested by my mom and of course jin also tagged along with me to ensure that I was safe and won't elope away

"Ugh this guy is taking so much time" I said to Jin who was sitting a bit far from where I was

"Totally , even my first date wasn't this late" he said

While waiting I also noticed that the guy which I met at this same park was sitting here the whole time since I came
Is he waiting for someone?
Because he was looking impatient
What if it was me? Oh my god imagine the horror , I mean that would never happen anyway

"Jin I think I give up" I said sighing and called my mom

"Yubeseyo?" She said

"Mom where is that guy he isn't here till now" I said whining

"WHAT? Hasn't he come till now? Wait I'll call his mom and ask" she said and end the call

"What'd she say?" Jin asked

"She said she would call his mom and as-" I was cut off with my phone ringing and at the same time the other guy's phone was ringing too

We both picked it up at the same time

"Apparently the guy is waiting for you for so long , his mom mentioned that he is sitting in (park name)" my mom said and I was shocked , I guess my assumption was right

"What?" I Asked confused

"Oh and his mom also mentioned that he is sitting on the bench there" my mom said and I slowly turned to look at the guy and saw that he was looking at me with a shocked face equally as mine

"Ok bye I'll call you later" I said and slowly hung the call

"Did you find him?" Jin asked from behind but I didn't respond to him because I was busy lost and slowly walking up to him as he also slowly walked up to me

We both stopped until we reached a certain distance were we could see each other more clearly

I slowly lifted my finger to point at him

"Y-you again?" I asked pointing at him

"And you?" He asked pointing back as he was confused

"Was that your m-mom on t-the p-phone?" I asked hesitatingly

Please say no please say no

"Y-yes and you?" He said and asked me the same question

As I couldn't think straight I nodded my head slowly and we both were frozen in our tracks , contemplating whether it was true or not

"S-so it's you?" I asked stuttering

"Yes" he replied frustrated


"I'm not interested either" he scoffed

I slowly ran away to Jin

"What's going on ? Who's that guy and why are you running away?" He bombarded me with questions

"Come to the car I'll explain you everything" I said as a tear escaped my eye

We both got in the car and I cupped my face in frustration
Then I took up the whole courage and explained him everything

"So you hate him?" Jin asked and I nodded

"And you don't wanna get married to him" he asked again and I nodded again

"Wish I could do anything to help but I'm choosing to live" Jin said which Made me smile

"It's okay , I hope he calls off this marriage" I said

"Because the look on face says it all" I added

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