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Mira's P.O.V

It was a long and tiring day at the cafe because I had to stay till 2 am with jin
He was surprised when I didn't leave for my secret plan and I basically told him the real reason behind it and he was really angry and it took me one hour to calm him down , we were nearing to close the cafe and was about to put the close sign but suddenly heard the door's bell jingle
I assumed it was jimin and got excited to meet him and went to see but was immediately disappointed as to who turned out it be

"Can I talk to you? Privately" he said

"Oh I thought we were over" I replied

"Please mira hear me out , I know I was wrong" he said

"No kwangsun, we're done" I said

"Please" he begged and that's when I heard another doorbell jingle

This time I knew it was jimin but to my surprise

"Mira I need to talk urgent" Jungkook said huffing

"How many people wants to interview me ? Let me clear this , im not free to give my time and effort to useless junks like you so it would be great if you two please use your legs and walk out to the exit" I said angrily

All this shouting made jin to come and check up what's happening

"Why are you here?" Jin asked kwangsun angrily

"And WHY ARE YOU HERE TOO?" Jin shouted as soon as he saw Jungkook

"Look I can explain" kwangsun said

"Please hear me out Mira" Jungkook begged

This is messed up , what is going on? My thoughts were broken away when I heard the door bell jingle again
Who is it now? My middle school ex?

"Woah looks like I'm here at the wrong time" jimin said looking at his watch and then back at us

"Everyone out of my cafe now" I said
But they all stayed there

"Mira please" kwangsun begged

I thought about it for a while and decided to give them chances to speak
I made everyone seated

I decided to hear kwangsun out first

"Alright alright , kwangsun you may proceed meanwhile Jungkook wait for your turn" I said and he sighed

We all sat and jin and jimin sat next to me whereas Jungkook and kwangsun sat opposite

"Look Mira , I know whatever I did was maybe wrong" kwangsun said

"Uhm correction! Whatever you did is completely wrong" Jin exclaimed

"Ok ok whatever I did is completely wrong but the reason why I did that was because of one thing" he said lowering his head

I rolled my eyes at his Sentence

"I was jealous ok" he said mumbling out the last two words

"You was what?" I asked him again as I couldn't make out what he said

"I said I was jealous, jealous that you always hung around with Jin and never makes time for me, so due to that I became angry and frustrated and then that's when I met this girl named curry or yuri or whatever her name was but the thing is I was never committed to her nor had any feelings towards her , I just used her for getting you back , I know I sound stupid right now but please forgive me" he said letting out a big sigh

"So that's you who dated Yuri before and broke up" Jungkook said as he snapped his fingers

"She broke up with me" kwangsun exclaimed

"Wait what? You dated Yuri?" I asked shocked and he nodded silently

"Oh my god , isn't that the girl who blackmails everyone?" Jimin asked and I nodded

There was a total silence in the atmosphere and I could hear jimin sipping his iced americano loudly
I blinked a few time to process what I was gonna say , everyone seemed convinced by his story

"Woah hold on , you think I'm dumb enough to believe that? You think I'm jin? That whatever you say I would believe it?" I said and I could see jin immediately turn his gaze towards me 

"Yah why are you dragging me into this ?" Jin asked

"Look whatever you said might have convinced others people around me but I'm not stupid to believe that" I said and I could feel everyone's gaze piercing me

"The story should be something like , Yuri dated you or you might've dated her and it went smoothly for you both but what you didn't knew was that she was a complete gold digger so when she drained all your remaining leftover wealth you realized she is a gold digger but it was too late to call her out on that because she broke up with you" I said and everyone was amazed by how I managed to take out the story

"I Uhm Guess that's half true" kwangsun said embarrassed

"That's the truth and you want to now make up after you realize you are broke ? Not a chance" I said

"No I don't want to make it up with you because I know your married and I don't wanna get involved in your life anymore" he said , I did feel guilty for him because I don't know his backstory or how is he feeling personally

"I just want you to forgive me for whatever I said , I know I acted immature and my actions were harsh and childish , please Mira just this once" he begged

"Alright I forgive you but I'm only doing this because I know what kind of girl Yuri is so I don't trust both of you neither" I replied

"Oh and also if you want some money" I said and kwangsun face lit up thinking I was bout to give him money

"Go get a fucking job" I replied and jimin coughed whereas Jungkook bit his lip and jin held back his laughter

"Ok now your turn is over , Jungkook you may begin now" I said

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