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Mira's P.O.V

It was hard to not feel sad thinking about what happened , is he doing that on purpose? Maybe I should see jin atleast I'll feel relieved talking to him
Immediately I went out of the house and got in my car and took off

I went inside the cafe but I couldn't find jin

"Hey where's jin?" I asked my employe

"Oh he didn't come today" she said and I got concerned and called him

"Yubeseyo?" He said

"Where are you?" I asked him as I sound worried

"Oh Uhmm , I have a date with someone so I'm not working today" he said and I mentally awed

"Aww so someone is finally dating huh" I asked in a playful tone

"I mean yeah , who couldn't resist my handsome face" and there he goes

"Alright have fun , oh and don't forget to cover your tool" I said chuckling

"Tool?" He became silent for sometime and then finally he whined

"Yah stop , I haven't reached that level yet" he said

"I mean when you level up don't forget to use the power up" I said giggling
And heard him laugh at the other end

"Alright bye , she's giving me a weird look" he said

"Bye" I said and hung up

Great , now I'll just have to deal this alone by myself
I exited the cafe and was walking to my car suddenly I bumped into someone

"Aish my phone" the guy said picking up his phone which fell down

"Omg I'm really sorry" I said apologizing

He came back up back to his standing position and then that's when I saw his face clearly

"Oh it's-

He was about to say something

"Mira? You?" He asked smiling

"J-jimin? Right?" I asked stuttering cause I don't have a good memory in remembering things

"Yeah I'm jimin , nice to meet you" he said

"Hi nice to meet you too but is your phone okay?" I asked concerned about it

"Oh this" he said showing me his phone

"It's completely fine" he said placing it back in his pocket

"I'm really sorry" I apologized again

"No no it's seriously fine" he said convincing me

"By the way where's Jungkook?" He asked and then I suddenly remembered the reason I left the house

"I don't know" I said casually and he gave me a weird look

"What do you mean you don't know?" He said smiling confused

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