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Jungkook's P.O.V

I regretted raising my voice at her and I can see Yuri smirk in getting victory
I am really helpless at this moment because yuri is evil she can do anything to ruin anyone and I don't want that anyone to be Mira
Taehyung looked at me disappointed

Without saying another word mira just left the house without turning back and after she left taehyung stood up

"I didn't train you to be like this Jungkook" he said and left the house

Now only me and yuri was left alone

"Alright Jungkook lets go sleep it's getting late" she said yawning and went upstairs to my room

I slowly followed her and went and got in the bed without changing my clothes because it was just a hoodie and sweats , I don't need to change it
As I wanted to get more comfortable

"Goodnight" she said facing the other side and slept , I couldn't sleep and soon hours passed by , I've ruined everything, my life , Mira's life
Nothing like this would've happen if I didn't friend Yuri, I was so lost in my thoughts that suddenly I heard a phone ding noise and I looked to see whose phone it was , unfortunately it yuri's , I ignored it and turned back to my comfortable position but suddenly an idea struck my mind

I slowly took Yuri's phone and managed to unlock it with her fingerprint

"Bingo" I said quietly as the phone unlocked

I went through her gallery first and I was really shocked when I found out that......

(Sorry it's gonna be a cliffhanger)

Mira's P.O.V

Jungkook just threw me under the bus , I feel so betrayed and I don't know how to feel about this and to think that I should help him? Now I don't give a single shit about him or his life , if he wanted it this way then let it be , I'll just divorce him and then be independent

Not even a single tear or sadness came in me because I didn't feel anything to be sad about because I should've seen that coming since he doesn't even care about me , jimin must've been out of his mind when he said Jungkook had a golden heart and since I didn't wanna go to my own house , I decided to visit jimin and tell him to cancel all the shit
I knocked on his door and waited for him to open

"Mira? What are you doing here so late?" He said in a raspy voice and his one eye was squinted while the other eye was trying hard to open fully , his hair was a complete mess and he was in a t-shirt and trousers

"Uh Uhm can I come in?" I asked him nervously

"Sure" he said opening his door fully and making way for me to enter while he rubbed his eyes

I went and sat on the couch and heard the door closing

"Sorry I didn't mean to come at this hour but I want to discuss something really important to you" I said

"Ah it's fine , you don't have to be sorry and your welcome here anytime" he said yawning and sat opposite to me

"Wait here I'll be right back" he said and disappeared

Soon he came in a long sweatpants and he brought some drinks

"Here drink some chamomile tea , it'll sooth your body" he said handing me a cup

I took a sip and felt relaxed

"So what's this important matter you wanted to discuss?" He asked

"I didn't tell you this before but I'm gonna divorce Jungkook" I said and his eyes went wide

"Oh my god why? Did something happen in between both of you?" He asked

Well he doesn't know the backstory of my wedding and why I got married to Jungkook , I even lied to him about the whole yuri situation, I lied to him that yuri was a stalker and she have my
private picture , so now I told him the full story and he listened to me all ears

"I'm really sorry to lie to you jimin , please don't get mad at me" I said
Feeling guilty for not saying him before

"Aish it's fine , everyone have a reason and there are some things which cannot be told to anyone with courage and I can completely understand why you lied to me , trust me I'm really fine and I'm happy that you took the courage to tell me your backstory because now I can understand the real thing between you both" he said smiling

He sounded so mature and he was a great listener , I wish I told him way before

"What I personally think is that maybe try talking it out with your parents , I mean divorce is such a big deal and it's really a painful process to begin with especially when you face such criteria like your situation and I truly believe that one cannot overcome the after effect of such big damages done , what Jungkook is doing is completely wrong" he said and I just had a wide eye expression because he sounds like a extreme professional in relationship

"So what do you think I should do now ?" I asked him and he thought for. Few minutes and finally talked

"It's best if you actually talk to Jungkook and ask him, he also might have a backstory to tell , talk to him personally don't get anyone involved especially Yuri" he said and I nodded my head

"Thanks for your advice jimin, but how do you know about all these like I mean you really sound like a professional in giving advice" I said and he smiled at my comment

"Well experiences , the guy sitting infront if you used to be a player until he met someone but unfortunately karma hit me back" he said as his smile slowly faded away

"I'm really sorry about that" I replied

"Oh also , we don't have to move on with our plan anymore and I don't care about whatever Yuri does know" I said and he nodded his head

"Well your right , so I guess our mission has gotten over" he said giggling

"Yep" I said

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