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Jungkook's P.O.V

After the coversation with that girl
I came back home and I tried to relax
sitting on the massage chair and closed my eyes. I actually felt bad for her but at the same time she's at fault for doing that

"Sir" taehyung called me and I opened my eyes and saw him standing

"Taehyung stop calling me that , you're literally older than me" I said annoyed

"But your in a more higher position than me" he said

"Higher position? You mean this chair" I said and got down of the massage chair

"See now we're both in the same position" I said and taehyung facepalmed himself

"Even though you're someone higher than me , you only have 5 braincells" taehyung said and I laughed

"I'm kidding but please stop with the sir" this time I said with seriousness and he nodded in agreement

"I wanted to say that tomorrow a princess will be visiting you , your mom and dad choose her to be your bride but they want to know your opinions too because I insisted them" he said and I felt relived that he did

"Oh my god thanks a lot tae" I said

"No problem, so you will have to stay here itself" he said and I nodded my head

Ugh I don't have any interest to see her

Next day

Today's the day she'll be coming , I can't believe I'll have a conversation with her

"Are you ready son?" My mom asked and I gave her a weak smile

"Dont worry, you will like her" she said and I mentally rolled my eye because if I did it in front of her , she would scoop my eyes out and feed it to me

"She's here" one of the maid said excitedly

"Oh my god, come on" my mom said and dragged me

We both saw the princess and her parents , to be honest she had a bitch face and looked like she didn't want to be here

"So we will leave you both to talk and figure out" my parents said and got up and left us both in awkward silence

We both sat there saying nothing and had a awkward tension going between

"to be honest I expected more but youuu " she said and made a disgusted face after checking me out

"To be honest , You should've looked in the mirror before coming here " I said and she rolled her eyes

"Guess what? I did thanks for the concern and you should know your so ugly for a prince" she replied looking at her nails

"Pff you know what? Get your mole rat ass looking face outta here cause I clearly see your blind" I replied and she got angry

"I can't believe my stupid parents are making me marry some dumb insolent dwarf" she said and scoffed and got up

I crossed my hands and looked at her

"Well I'm sorry I'm not interested in marrying a pig either" I said drinking some water

She exited and went out and our both parents were already waiting outside
They were shocked to see their daughter's expression

"He's no good" she said whining like a Baby and they all left saying goodbye awkwardly

My parents had a disappointed face

Time skip

"Jungkook why'd you even say that to her?" My dad asked

"Dad she was making comments about me so I just clarified and cleared her doubts" i said and my mom rubbed her temple in exhaustion

"I don't know what to do with you anymore" she said and went away with disappointment and I was left alone but soon after she left Taehyung came in and sat next to me

"She had some attitude problem because I saw how she acted before you came to meet her" taehyung said and I smiled at him

"You can't force someone to love because love can only be felt if there's connection between two people and if each other have feelings" taehyung said and I couldn't process anything he said , I looked dumbfounded

"What I mean to say is , your being forced to like someone and spent the rest of your life" he said and then it made a lot of sense

"Yeah your right " i replied

I still remember the first person I ever loved with my whole heart , I gave her everything but in return she left me

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