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Jungkook's P.O.V


"Hyeri please tell me your joking" I said as tears steamed down my face

"Jungkook I'm really sorry , I don't have much time left" she said standing at the airport gate

"Please don't leave me hyeri , I love you" I said and tears streamed endlessly

"J-jungkook I'm sorry but I don't have the same feelings for you anymore" she said and that's when my heart broke down into million pieces

"Bye" she said not even batting an eye at me and left
That's it , my whole life is over , I give up on everything

End of flashback

"Jungkook-ah, are you alright?" Taehyung cut me out of my flashbacks

"Yeah" I said and let out a sigh

"Your thinking about her aren't you?"taehyung said and I silently nodded

"Come on , just move on from her , she already left you shattered" he said

"Who said I like her?" I asked

"I already moved on, I don't want to go through like this dramas again , that's why I don't want no damn relationship" I said

"Chill out" taehyung said calming me

There was a silent tension going on but that was thrown away when taehyung's phone started ringing

"Yubeseyo?" He said


"Yea, I'm coming over"

He said and end the call

"Sorry kook gotta go , I promised my girlfriend that I would go shopping with her" he said

"Alright bye" I replied and he left

Mira's P.O.V

"Finally" we both said collapsing on
The couch

"That was soo exhausting" jin said removing his cap

"I didn't expect the customers would get angry because of small inconvenient problem" I said

"Well it's not their fault I messed up Their order" he said laughing and I gave him a death glare

"Ugh the lady was soo annoying" I said rolling my eyes

"True, but where'd you run off in between" he asked

"Oh Uhmm" I hesitated

"My b-boyfriend broke up with me" I said as a big lump formed on my throat trying hard not to cry

"Oh" he replied

"He broke up through phone call and admitted to cheating on me" I replied

"What the fuck? I'll go cut his-
Before he said anything else

"It's okay , I already cancelled his phone plan , house , debit card and most importantly I cancelled him" I said

"That's great" he said smiling at me

"Yeah" I said in a low tone

"It's okay that cheater don't deserve you anyway" he said and hugged me
And I hugged him back

"I did everything for him and he had the nerve to say 'I ChEaTed On YoU'" I said mocking him

"That bitch , if I see him I'll sure cut his
Excretory system off" Jin said making me laugh

"Excretory system?" I laughed and asked him

"Yeah , especially the part which had the audacity to go from place to place" he said and that made me laugh more harder

"Oof Jin stop before I die" I said holding my stomach as it started to hurt from all these laughing

"Die? The only one here whose gonna be dead is kwangsun" he replied

"But enough of giving him attention
Let me buy you ice cream to cheer you up" he added and I became more happier

"Really?" I asked excitedly and he nodded a 'yes'

I closed the cafe and we both exited and started walking to the nearest convenience store, finally we reached and got ourself some ice cream

"Ahh this is soo good , thank you" I said taking a bite out of the ice cream

"Aish no need for thank you" he said

"You don't have to come for work tomorrow" Jin said

"Excuse me? I'm the manager" I said and he laughed

"And I'm the assistant manager so listen, You will take a break from work tomorrow and I'll manage the rest of the work" he said

"Jin , it will be really hard and tiring working alone and you have seen what happend" I said and he rolled his eyes at my comment

"Uhmm hello? Who are you rolling your eyes at?" I asked

"At you, you better don't come or else I'll personally kidnap you and wrap you tightly in a blanket and feed you the rest of the day" he said

"Oh that's not bad , I'll surely come" i said

"And who'll take care of the café?" He asked and I kept quiet

"Exactly so you'd better keep your ass at home and not come tomorrow alright?" He said and I agreed

He's right, maybe I do need a break cause I've been stressed out lately

We both happily walked way back to our home and I said him a goodbye and left

What would I do without Jin?

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