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Mira's P.O.V

"Please help me out and I'll help you out in anything" he said begging

That's when I remembered my job

"Anything?" I asked

"Yes" he said without hesitation as he stood up dusting himself off

"Will you get me my job back to me?" I asked him

"That's it? If you want I can give you a job at my company" he said and that's when I thought of jimin's words

"He's always rude but behind that rudeness he still cares and it might seem like he doesn't but he does" I remembered

"No no it's fine , I just wanted my job at the cafe that's it and the only thing you have to do is talk to my mom" I said and he seemed hesitant at first

"Alright deal" he said giving out his hand to shake

"Deal" I said and shakes his hand

"So please give me detailed information and then I'll figure out what to do" I said and he nodded

"Alright so this girl yuri is a ordinary girl which I met at a cafe by some kind of fate and then ever since she was behind me" he told me the full story and I was all ears and he finally told me , I started investigating

"Wait what cafe?" I asked curiously

"It was definitely not yours" he said and I rolled my eyes

"It was a different one , if you want I can show you" he said and took out his phone and showed me a pic

I carefully investigated the pic and soon realized who's cafe it was
My eyes lit up

"Omg this is my friend's cafe" I said

"Really?" He asked me and I nodded

"The guy who's with you all the time?" He asked me

"No not him , he works with me" i said

"Oh , so what are Gonna do?" He asked

"Well let's go there tomorrow first thing and then second thing I'll let you meet him and third I'll tell you after the second" I said smirking

"Why tomorrow? Can't we do it today?" He whined

"No I've got important works" I said
And he pouted sadly

"Alright fine then what else?" He asked

"Oh that's it , then we'll see the magic" I said and he kinda hesitated but nodded in agreement

"Now get out of my room I wanna sleep" I said pushing him

"But you said you have important work" he said

"Yeah I'm gonna do that know" I said and finally pushed him out of my room

"Wait so your important work was sleep?" He asked shocked

"Hehe yes" I said giggling and slammed the door shut and locked it quickly

"Damn it you" he said banging my door

I did a mini victory dance and jumped onto the bed

The next day

"Psst" I heard a mosquito buzzing

"Miraa~" someone called me

"Psst" again I heard the annoying sound and waved my face while my eyes was still closed and tried to make it go away

"Psst" that's it I got too annoyed and just decided to kill it , so with my full strength I slapped the mosquito with my both hands while my eyes were still closed


But to my horror the mosquitoe was big and was soft

"Ahhhh" I heard a hurdled scream and woke up

"Yah what are you doing here?" I asked Jungkook as he rubbed his cheek to relief the pain

"Why'd you slap me like that?" He asked wincing while rubbing

"Oh I'm so sorry I thought it was a mosquito" I said

"What kind of mosquito calls your name?" He asked and that's when I remembered I heard my name being called

"Sorry about that but don't ever try to disturb my sleep again" i said and got out of the bed
I looked at the time and it was 6 am

"Why did you call me so early?" I asked

"Don't tell me you forgot" he said

"Forgot what?" I asked and suddenly flashback played in my mind

"Oh yeah the meeting" i said and quickly got up to go freshen up
After doing my usual routine
I came out of the bathroom and suddenly remembered that I locked my door before sleeping
How did he get in here?

I went back to ask him but when I went to ask to my horror I didn't see anyone there ? And I tried to open my door but it was same as it was , it was locked

Then who the fuck was that?

I quickly opened the door and screamed and went downstairs as quickly as I can , I reached the kitchen only to find Jungkook eating his cereal

"Oh good morning , where did that noise come from? Cause I clearly remember switching off my alarm" he said dissing me

"J-j-Jungkook? Your here then who the hell was there in my room?" I asked scared , I practically became pale just thinking about it

"Aww did someone get scared? I'm sorry but that was me only , don't worry" he said and causally ate his cereal

"Yah why'd you go like that? And how'd you manage to open my door ? I remember I Locked it last time" i said panting

"Chill , i played a prank with you , I'm just getting back for locking the door in my face" he said

"And remember I always have all the extra keys for all the room For your info" he added and finally finished his cereal

"Alright alright you win but please don't ever do that I'm a freakin scaredy cat" I admitted

"Ugh fine coward" he said rolling his eyes

I went back to my room and got dressed and came down

"Let's go ?" I asked

"Alright" he replied and we both went on our mission

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