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Jungkook's P.O.V

Finally we reached the cafe , to be honest the car ride was fun , I mean she was funny and open about everything
She didn't criticize me or about my taste in music
We entered the busy cafe with our masks on since we don't want people recognizing us

"Hey where's your manager?" Mira asked the cashier

"I'm sorry but I can't let you meet him now he's busy" she said Rudely , she was rude to me too before

"Call your manager I wanna talk to him" she repeated but the cashier just scoffed us off

"Your not gonna listen like that" saying so she took out her mask and revealed her face

"Call the fucking manager before I tell him to fire you" she said angrily
Damn that was hot and cool
I still remember how she surprised me when I went to her cafe

"Omg miss lee Mira?" The cashier exclaimed scared and shocked

Was she that bad?

"I'm really sorry for my behavior please forgive me" the cashier said bowing

"Alright now call him" she said and the cashier quickly went to call the manager , Mira put back her mask

"Let's sit" she said and we both went to sit , we waited for the manager to show up

"Hey lee Mira" I heard a deep but high pitched voice

Mira turned to see and suddenly her face lit up and she smiled at him and stood up

"Yoongi my boy" she said and hugged him , he wasn't very much tall but was taller than Mira , he had blonde hair and had tattoos all over his body, he looked somewhat dangerous

To be honest I felt really jealous

"What brings you here all of a sudden" he asked smiling

"Before that I want to introduce you to someone" she said and turned to gave me

"This is my husband Jungkook" she said smiling at me

"Husband? Mira you got married too? And you didn't invite me? I've never felt betrayed" he said placing his hand over his heart

"Can you shut up? Remember you wasn't even here when I invited you and I clearly remember someone was in LA for some important work" she said rolling her eyes

"How does he tolerate you even" yoongi said scrunching up his face

"Shut up ok" Mira

"Well can you both take those damn mask off cause I can't understand properly" he said

"Well we could if we go somewhere else where no one would recognize" Mira said

"Oh yeah I forgot the fact that your a princess" he said as my eyes went wide open and shocked

A princess ? I though to myself
Why didn't she ever tell me that? So I'm married to a princess and I had no clue? Does she even know that I'm a prince ? I really hope she does

"Jungkook are you okay?" Mira called me back to reality

"Oh yeah I'm fine" I said

"Alright then follow me" yoongi said and we followed him until we reached a place far from the kitchen and the crowded place , well it was his office

Mira took out her mask and so did I
Yoongi saw my face and his eyes went wide and looked at me in shock

"Yoongi what happened ?" Mira asked yoongi who was shocked at seeing me
Well maybe he recognized me

"P-prince Jungkook?" He said pointing at me

"Prince what?" Mira was shocked too

This day has been the most shocking day for me

"Jungkook you're a?" Mira Asked and I nodded

"And you never told me your a princess!!" I exclaimed

"Oh Uhmm" she said hesitant

"Alright whatever please sit down both of you , discuss those stuff later and tell me the reason you came here" yoongi said snapping all of us back to reality

"Ok ok" Mira said sitting down on the chair in front of yoongi as he was sitting in his manager chair

"So I want some details and info about some girl" I said

"What makes you think I'll know her?" Yoongi asked

"Because you keep hoeing around and have half of the Seoul population as your girlfriends" she said and I felt to laugh but the matter was bit serious so I caught it in

"Ok fine you caught me now show me her pic" he demanded

I took out my phone and took yuris picture and showed him

"Ok ok you can turn it away" Yoongi said looking away quickly as if he saw something disgusting

"See you do know her" Mira said laughing

"Alright alright yes I know her , she broke up with me recently all for some guy" he said sounding hurt

"Yeah your right and that guy is none other than my so called husband" Mira said loudly looking at me

"Oh so you were the guy huh? But why are you with her when you have a wife?" Yoongi asked me and I had fear in my eyes because he looked like he could kill me any moment

"That's a long story I'll tell you later but now please research and give us info" Mira changed the topic and asked him
Thank god

"Alright fine" he replied

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