Part Twenty.

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"He's probably only after one thing anyway," Luke said breaking the silence that had fallen again. "Don't tell me, my virginity? Wow, Luke you really need to learn to get a grip. Not everybody cares about sex" I say hearing him laugh.

"No, we do. If they don't then they're lying" Luke said, I rolled my eyes and let the puppy that was lying in my lap down which he went running to the other puppies. I smiled then looked back at Luke, my smile dropping. "Connor is a nice guy, Luke, there is not many around nowadays. He isn't like that" I say hinting that he wasn't one of them. He just looked at me.

"Besides I really like him" I continue saying causing Luke to chuckle. I raised my eyebrow at him, "What is so funny?" I ask him. "You like a guy who works with puppies all day," He says amused.

"Yes, at least he is caring and thoughtful, unlike you, you just lie to get what you want," I say looking at him. "I never lied," Luke says, which I shake my head. He said he never lies but he just lied telling a damn lie, idiot.

"Yes you did, you lied and I believed you, what a fool I was," I say, Luke was about to say something but Connor came back, thank you, Connor, I thought to myself. "Oh I wasn't needed in reception after all," Connor says smiling at me which I smile back causing Luke to roll his eyes, yes I saw him from the corner of my eye.

Connor came back into the pen and sat back down when it just went awkward all of a sudden. " oh Y/N, I was wondering if I could get your number so I could text you when we aren't here?" Connor shyly asks.

"Of course, I was going to ask for yours," I say with a smile, we switched phones and put each other numbers in and then passed them back.

After working at the kennels:

After the shift had finished, I was walking out with Connor until we had to go different ways due to living in different streets." Goodbye" we say together. I waved and continued walking alone. I was walking when I felt a presence beside me which was Luke. "You know he is no good for you," he says. "Excuse me?"

"You're excused, like why of all the people would you want him, you know he will only use you right and then you will be left heartbroken," Luke says making me scoff in reply.

"Pft like you have any nerve to talk about what somebody else would do that is what you do Luke, not Connor," I say walking ahead trying to get away from him. "Deep down you know he is not right for you. You still want me," he says, causing me to stop and turn around to see a smirk on Luke's face.

"I did want you, that is the only wrong word in your sentence," I say looking at him. "But not anymore, I'd rather date someone who loves puppies than date someone who is a liar and someone I would never be able to trust," I said coldly, he just stared at me not saying anything. I turned back around and walked away leaving him stood there speechless and thinking about what I had just said to him. 

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